Opening the Vision (July 15)

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"Your eyes are the lamp of your body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be luminous."

Matthew 6:22

Our eyes are the lamp of the body. When we fail to see, we leave the whole body without direction. Once Jesus went to heal a blind man. Funny that he wasn't born blind, because when he started seeing again, he recognized the people, saying they looked like trees. (Mark 8:24)

I want to take you to a point of this miracle that maybe you haven't seen it yet. This man was not born blind, as he recognized people, saying he looked like trees. Interestingly, Jesus used mud (clay) to heal him. Man was made from the dust of the earth. Jesus went to the origin of man to heal him. (Genesis 2:7)

The world often leaves us blind, so we need to go back to our origins, back to our first love. (1 John 2:15)

The church needs to know the Father's thoughts, only then will it be able to see. (Isaiah 55:8-9; 1 Corinthians 2:9-12)

Go back to the two origins, follow the path of the Father! (John 15:16)

God bless you!

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