Seek the Lord while you can be found (August 16)

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"Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near."

Isaiah 55:6

We see God at work in churches in these last times. Revival is being revealed to the churches, signs and wonders have been seen everywhere. The big problem with the church is that many have gone looking for miracles, signs, something to fill the void within them. It's not wrong, it ends up one way or another, leading to God. But I want to say that there is something higher... which is Jesus!

Miracles attracts men, but worship attracts God. (Matthew 26:73, John 21:20; John 4:23)

God is close, but many people are not interested in Him.

A person can receive a healing, a deliverance, a deliverance, but these things pass. What God wants from us is much greater, He wants a relationship, a family! (John 14:2; Psalm 53:2)

Signs and wonders are great, but we need to look for something that is higher! (Colossians 3:1-4)

God bless you!

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