The Value of a Kiss (November 29)

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"And immediately, approaching Jesus, he said to him: Hail, Master! And he kissed him."

(Matthew 26:49)

Here Jesus was betrayed by Judas through a kiss. Kiss represents respect, so much so that in the past to greet someone, people kissed each other on the cheek, even man to man and woman to woman. Today there is still this custom in some places. But there is also a disrespect for this act. But kissing these days has been a sign of a tragic beginning, something people take for granted, but it's actually a door for Satan to enter! People have been kissing everyone like they were normal, I say, in the dating area. Young people especially, have "stayed" with one here, another there. Since this is bringing a curse in their lives, because our body and temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). When we have the act of kissing anyone who appears in front of us, we are betraying the Holy Spirit. He's jealous of us! (James 4:5) That's why we must pray for God to prepare an ideal person for us. Don't be playing kissing around, it will be saddening the Holy Spirit! Conserve your life. Don't worry about whether you're going to date, but about sanctifying yourself!

Who have you been kissing?

God bless you!

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