Three levels a Christian must reach (December 11)

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God has been pouring out signs and wonders all over the planet, that's very good! But Christians have not made the best use of this...

We need to understand a few things.

All that God has pouring out is great! But we've missed it... But why, has the church missed that anointing?

It's simple: We need to reach three levels, not to miss it...

First the church needs to understand what worship is. Worship is seeking the things of the Kingdom, that is, living in the spirit with the Father. (Matthew 6:33) Second, it is necessary to seek revival, that is, the full and continuous manifestation of God's power, as on the day of Pentecost . Third and most important, is to be INTIMATE with the Father. Strong word, right?! That's why the church goes through the two stages and then loses the essence of worship, because it doesn't reach the stage, where it is necessary to have intimacy with the Father, as well as Moses and other great men of God.

Let's change it! Begin right now to seek intimacy with the Father.

God bless you!

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