Chapter 101: Questing for Quests

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(In the middle of the night, Lloyd is in his room walking back and forth talking to "someone.")

Lloyd: (Pacing pack and forth) Ok, ok. I wish this wasn't happening. But I have no one to tell because the others will just spill the secret, especially Jay. And my mom is out busy looking for my father, so that's why I came to you. I can't keep it in, it's just..........I don't know.......feels weird? I can't believe I'm even saying this, and to you of all people. But I think, I............ I think............I think......................

(The "person" Lloyd is talking too motions for him "to spit it out.")

Lloyd: Ok, ok. (Takes a deep breath) I think............................... I like Crystal.

And to all those who shipped Crystal and Lloyd, well I got one thing to say to you. You were right. But does Crystal like him back? To be or not to be, that is the question.

(The "person" starts going crazy)

Lloyd: I know, I know. But it's been 6 months and I've started to think differently ever since the Oni invasion. (He scratches his head embarrassed) I actually started to like Crystal a while ago after Master Wu's disappearance. But I had to focus on finding Wu, then they're was the Sons of Garmadon, and then my father's takeover, and then the Oni invasion. (Sighs) I've tried to push it down and ignore it............ but I can't. 

(Lloyd starts to pace more rapidly while the "person" he's talking to, is just listening.) 

Lloyd: And I can't like Crystal! We've been friends for such a long time! And it's beyond weird! I knew her since I was a kid! What in Ninjago's name do I do?! (With his hands in the air)

(The "person" Lloyd is talking to, is revealed to be "The Chicken.")

Chicken: Bwuck! Bwuck!

Lloyd: (Sighs) It's guess it's time to face the facts, even though I really don't want too.
I have a crush on Crystal.

(Lloyd then falls onto his bed having his face in his hands.)

Lloyd: Great. Now I'm admitting it to myself and a chicken.

Chicken: Bwack! Bwack!

Lloyd: It doesn't help, but it does kind of feel good to get this off my chest, actually. (Sighs) I guess I'll just sleep on it. 

(After a while Lloyd falls asleep forgetting that Wu's Chicken was still in the room, but it just sits in the table inside the room. Later "someone" comes into the room.)

Chicken: Bwuck? (Confused)

Styx: (Jumps on top of the table) Look here, Chicken. I'm going to say this once, and only once. Quit trying to be Crystal's favorite! 

(Lloyd moves a little in his sleep because of Styx's sudden loud volume)

Styx: (Starts whispering) Oops. Anyways, I'm Crystal's only friend who isn't human, Chicken. (The chicken moves his head sideways) Well, other than Scales...........and Scales Jr...........and Acidicus- You know what? I'm Crystal's only best friend who lives in this monastery and isn't human. So you've gotta back--

(Before Styx could finish though, the Chicken zaps him with it's lightning.)

Styx: (Burnt a bit or something) Ok, so you may have won this battle..............but you will never win the war! (Lloyd moves a bit again) Oops. Uh, where was I? Oh right, the war!- (The Chicken zaps him again) Ok, I'm just gonna........... go. 

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