Chapter 157: The Call to the Deep

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(In the Monastery, Maya goes to wake Nya, who was snoring, up.)

Maya: Rise and shine, sleepyhead! It's 6 A.M.! Early Ninja gets the worm! (She sees the state of Nya's room.) Oh, my! Would you look at this mess! Dear, dear, dear. Okay, let's tidy this place up. A messy room makes for a messy Ninja, Nya, and we are not messy Ninjas. (She jumps around the room as Nya puts a pillow on her face.) Spears belong in their racks, shurikens and throwing stars belong in the shuriken and throwing star bin-

Nya: (Groans.) Make it stop...

Maya: Bladed weapons don't just get stabbed into a wall, they actually have a place! And chickens do not belong indoors! (She forces Wu's chicken out of the room) 

Styx: (Appearing beside Nya on the bed.) Good, that Chicken got what he deserved. 

Nya: (Groans as she turns her head towards Styx.) I'm too tired to ask how you got in here.

Styx: (He chuckles looking around the room.) Did you finally take Crystal's advice about redecorating your room or- 

Maya: Now this place is starting to look like something. (She notices Styx.) Oh, hello Styx. Kai has told me so much about you. 

Styx: Uh...they're all good things...right?

Maya: Of course! (She looks at Nya.) Are you still lying there? Come on, up up up, sleepyhead. (She pulls her daughter out of bed.) I find the best way to start the day and chase away those sleepies is with a few jumping jacks! (Styx slithers over to the bedside.)  Ready set go! One- and- two- and- one- and- two- and- (She continues counting and doing jumping jacks in the background.)

Styx: (He looks at himself.) I'm not even gonna pretend to try. 

Nya: (She lays on the bed.) Am I having a nightmare, or is this really happening? (Styx pinches her.) Ow!

Styx: Nope, this isn't a dream, it's really happening. (Nya groans again.) 

(Later, in the kitchen, Nya walks in to see Maya cooking.)

Nya: You made breakfast?

Maya: Of course I made breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day! If we're going to get you back in shape and fix your life, you're gonna need your strength. 

Nya: (She sees Cole with a stack of pancakes.) And...

Cole: What? Your mom makes great pancakes! (Pauses.) Uh, don't tell Zane I said that. (He walks away eating as Nya sighs.) 

Nya: My life does not need fixing, Mother. 

Maya: That's not what your brother says. He says your powers are going haywire and you can't control water anymore. And your friend told me that it's a concern that has to be dealt with as soon as possible. Crystal said it's for your own good. (She puts the spatula down.) Personally, I never had that problem when I was Master of Water, but never fear! We'll figure it out together.

Nya: (Her mother puts the plate down as she pokes a green piece.) Um, why is the bacon green?

Maya: That's not bacon, silly. It's seaweed!

Nya: Seaweed? Where did you even get seaweed?!

Maya: (Shrugs.) But it goes great with tofu pancakes!

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