Chapter 183: The Fall of the Monastery

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(In an abandoned subway car, the rest of the Team searches for a way to escape.)

Jay: What happened? 

Kai: I think we're in trouble. 

Styx: Ugh, no kidding! 

Zane: It appears the explosion collapsed the subway tunnel. 

Kai: How deep down are we? 

Cole: Eh, we've been deeper.

Styx: Totally, but how are we supposed to get out now!?

Jay: Well, at least we're still alive! This old girl saved our lives! I told you they don't make them like they used to anymore. (He knocks on the car but nearly causes it to collapse.)

Cole: Do. Not. Do that again!

Jay: Sorry! Sorry.

Kai: Ugh. Why can't you use your powers to clear the Earth away? 

Cole: This ground doesn't look too stable. But I'll try. (He uses his powers, but the car becomes more unstable.)

Kai: Stop. Stop. Stop! 

Styx: You're going to kill all of us! 

Jay: Cole! Bad idea!

Zane: The tunnel is too unstable.

Jay: What do we do, now?

Kai: Time to call for help. (He puts on his hood.) Nya? Come in. Nya, you there? (Silence...) I'm not getting a signal.

Zane: Hmm. The debris seems to be blocking our communications.

Jay: Oh, great. Just great! I'm buried alive inside my favourite toy train!

Styx: Pfft, ironic, huh?

Jay: Not the time, Styx! 

Zane: Kai, hand me your communicator, and I'll attempt to amplify the signal. 

Kai: Just do anything if it gets us out of here to save Lloyd and Crystal. (He tosses it to Zane who catches it seamlessly.) 

Cole: Hey, wait a minute. Styx remember back in Shintaro, the thing Silk said about your powers?

Styx: Uh, that I was a part of the Darvandai tribe?

Cole: (He waves his hand.) No, after that.

Styx: (He shrugs.) That I could turn into any species I pleased? I don't know what turning into a Constrictai is going to do, Cole if you can't even move the rubble-

Cole: No, not that either. What did Silk say before that?

Styx: That my heritage leaves a mark-

Kai: Dude, just hurry up and tell us!  

Styx: Geez, what do you want from me?!

Zane: Friends, yelling will not help us in this dire situation.

Styx: Tell that to Kai! 

Kai: Why you-

Cole: (He steps back, Styx on his shoulder while Jay holds Kai back.) Okay, okay, why don't we all relax?

Kai: (He grunts.) Ugh, Crystal and Lloyd are stuck with those Crystal Council someones while we're stuck in some old train car with a bunch of rocks caving in on us! (He waves his hands in front of Cole.) There is no time to relax!

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