Chapter 193: Quittin' Time!

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(Above Ninjago City, Wu flies through the air, evading a Dragonide's attack. The Dragonide grabs one of his wings.)

Nelson: That's Master Wu!

Wu: Not...not yet. Not yet. Now! (He detaches his wings and falls.)

Antonie: Oh, gosh!

Nelson: I hope he timed that right!

(Wu screams as he falls into the canal while Antonia and Nelson watch on their bikes.)

Antonia: I fished out the last one. It's your turn! (Nelson hauls Wu onto the sidewalk and she gives him CPR.) What are the odd— we'd end up having to— resuscitate two people who fell— in the same canal?

Nelson: You're getting good at it, 'Tones.

Antonia: Help me lift him up. We gotta get outta here!

(On the streets, Nya wakes up to find herself trapped under the mast of the Bounty.)

Nya: Huh? What happened? (She groans as she tries to get up.) Ugh, last I can remember...I was on the Bounty with Crystal and Lloyd and...and nothing. (She sighs.) Guess memories is something else we can add to the list of things I'm missing! (She grunts trying to get the mast off.) Ugh, where's Cole when you need him- 

Styx: Come on cool powers, work already! (He appears on the mast.) Hah! 6th's time a charm! Just like the tribe, huh, weird.

Nya: Styx! 

Styx: (Looks down.) Oh, hey, Nya! What's... (Sees her stuck situation.) ...down? 

Nya: (Laughs.) I got a little stuck. 

Styx: Dude... (Looks around.) ...don't tell me the Bounty got destroyed again- 

Nya: It did. (She strains her arms, pushing at the wood.) I got separated from the others on the Bounty when the Overlord blasted us out of the sky and- Wait. Where's Pixal?

Styx: Uh... (He looks away.) ...I...don't know?

Nya: What? What do you mean: you don't know?!

Styx: Her mech went haywire, okay! I thought I could use my powers and teleport us both out of there but... (He gestures to himself.) That didn't really work out... 

(A flashback ensues of the Samurai X Mech falling out of the sky.)

Pixal: Mayday! My mech has destabilized! Is there anyone on the ground level that can catch me?

Styx: (Looking out the shield.) We're gonna die...

Pixal: (Still talking through her comms.) Repeat! Is there anyone available?

Styx: (Seeing the upcoming ground.) Oh, Great Devourer, we're gonna die...

Pixal: (She hits the controls.) Anyone?!

Styx: For the sixteen realms' sake, Pixal! No one's available! (He points at a red button.) Let's eject, already! 

Pixal: Styx, I do not think-

Automated Voice: (Styx presses the button.) Eject Error. Eject Error. System failure. 

Styx: You've got to be kidding me... 

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