Chapter 184: Darkness Within

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(In the Crystal Temple, Lloyd wakes up to find himself hanging from Vengestone chains. He looks around to see nothing but vengestone warriors before realizing he's alone.)

Lloyd: What happened? Where am I- (He tries to recall what happened before he went unconscience.) My powers, something happened-

Harumi: Enjoying the view? 

Lloyd: (He looks up to see Harumi walking up to him. He grunts.) Where's Crystal? 

Harumi: Hmm, no "why am I here?" Just "where is Crystal?"

Lloyd: Answer the question, Harumi. (He tries to shake off the chains but fails.) Ugh, what did you do to her- 

Harumi: Settle down, Lloyd. (She holds the chains.) I have a long day ahead of me and the Crystal King wouldn't want you wasting your strength. 

Lloyd: (He's about to say something but then sees the Council of the Crystal King carrying the Golden Weapons.) The Weapons of Spinjitzu? How- How did you get those?

Harumi: We got them from the Monastery. Where else?

Lloyd: Master Wu would never hand them over without a —

Harumi: A fight? Oh yes. And what a fight it was. But in the end, your friends failed. Your Master, that old Water Ninja, Samurai X, the Master of Amber, even that little snake what's-his-name, Styx?

Lloyd: What do you mean they failed-

Harumi: They're gone now, like the other Ninja. We burned the entire Monastary down.

Lloyd: No... (Shakes against the chains.)  You're bluffing!

Harumi: I don't bluff, Lloyd. You should know that about me by now. (She gestures for the Council to leave and is about to do so as-well.) Now if you'll excuse us, we've got plans-

Lloyd: Where did you put Crystal? What have you done to her?!

Harumi: (She groans, annoyed before facing Lloyd.) Ugh, well, if you must know, we got rid of her.

Lloyd: (He pauses.) You what...?

Harumi: (She looks away, shrugging.) I told her to stay quiet during your transformation to gaining your powers. (She looks back at Lloyd, smirking.) After we moved you, I told you before, I don't leave anything to chance. I think you know the rest.

Lloyd: You- you couldn't, you wouldn't! (He grunts, struggling against the chains.) You're lying. You're lying!

Harumi: (She chuckles before lifting Lloyd's head.) How does it feel, Lloyd, to have no one left? To lose? I know that feeling well. 

Lloyd: You don't know what I'm feeling! (He knocks her hand away with his head.) You have no idea!

Harumi: Oh, but I do. I went through the same thing after the Great Devourer took away everything I had in this world. After I lost my parents, I felt so alone. Now it's your turn to feel that grief. You can let it overwhelm and destroy you, or you can let it harden and strengthen you, as it did me.

Lloyd: You're the reason I'm alone. You're the one who did this! Which makes you no better than the Great Devourer. And you're gonna pay, Harumi, I swear! I will make you pay! For hurting my friends! For hurting me! Everything!

Harumi: Oh, there's that darkness again. Just like your father.

Lloyd: (He gets ready to lash out before remembering.) Being angry don't solve anything...just take a few deeps breaths... (He takes several deep breaths to calm himself.) You're wrong. I am nothing like my father...

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