Chapter 165: Master of the Sea

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Benthomaar: Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master arrived on our world. A mere child, to find a world engulfed in chaos. 

(A picture of Wojira is shown causing a huge storm in the Endless Sea.) 

Benthomaar: This chaos was caused by Wojira. The Mighty Serpent of the Wave and the Storm. The First Spinjitzu Master knew, that for life to blossom in this realm, Wojira had to be stopped. With the help of the islanders and the Merlopians who dwelled in the depths of the sea, they confronted Wojira. It was a fierce battle. 

(The Islanders and Merlopians are seen attacking the serpent as the First Spinjitzu Master leads the charge.) 

Benthomaar: Wojira was too powerful. All was lost, until Nyad, the first Elemental Master of Water, leapt on to the beast and saw with her own eyes the source of Wojira's power. Two strange objects which Wojira wore upon her forehead. Nyad knew what she had to do. And alone, Nyad could not stop Wojira. 

(Nyad is shown in the water as she slowly becomes one with the Sea.) 

Benthomaar: She had to become a greater power, the ocean itself. She merged with it, a state she could never return from. She sacrificed herself to save the world. As for the power of the Wave and the Storm, the First Spinjitzu Master gave the first to the King of the Sea, and the second to the Chief of the islanders for safekeeping. 

(Both Amulets are held by a young Trimaar and Chief Mammatus.) 

Benthomaar: When the seas calmed and grew still, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, and the world was in harmony. Balance. (The flashback ends.) But now, my brother seeks to change that. 

Crystal: As we already know, Kalmaar has his hands on one of the amulets already. 

Lloyd: Right, the Wave Amulet. 

Nya: So, we can't let him get the other. The Storm Amulet.

Benthomaar: With both Amulets, he will awaken Wojira and create a wave of destruction not seen since the dawn of time. 

Crystal: The others are in Ninjago, they'll all make sure that Kalmaar doesn't get his hands on the second amulet.

Jay: Can these whales go any faster? Time is sort of ticking here.

Nya: They're pulling as quickly as they can. Remember, it's their world that's at risk too. 

Lloyd: Let's just hope Kalmaar hasn't been able to locate the second amulet. 

(At Ninjago Harbor, Kalmaar and his troops prepare to retreat into the sea.)

Kalmaar: Nothing can stop me now. Imagine this parched, dry city, submerged below the waves. Picture it, Gripe. Streets, turned into canals. Buildings and homes, flooded. Vehicles rusting away below the waves. A playground for fish and- (Just as he turns around, Wu arrives and kicks him back.)

Wu: Now is not the time for amateur urban planning, foe.

Styx: If you want to swim back to your little undersea kingdom you're going to have to get through us first!

Kalmaar: I will destroy you, old man and small serpent. And when I say "I", I mean them. (He points towards his Maaray Guards.) What are you looking at? I'm talking about you, you fools!

Gripe: Oh, yes. Forgive me, Sire. Attack! 

(The Merlopians start attacking, while Kai and the others arrive. Kai shoots fire at them, but it had no effect.)

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