Chapter 180: The Council of the Crystal King

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(Continuing on from the last Chapter, underground, Lloyd and Crystal disguised as the Mechanic and Ciara run after the Crystal Spider.)

Lloyd: So, uh, where are we going? And who's this Crystal King guy? What's the matter? Can't talk? (The spider doesn't respond as he whispers to Crystal who shrugs.) I guess not.

(On the Mechanic's truck, the Ninja pursue Lloyd'and Crystal's signals.)

Jay: Remind me again why Lloyd and Crystal had to dress up when Zane has Nindroid disguise capabilities? Like, I'm pretty sure Pixal could've probably been able to create a disguise for herself in less than 2 minutes. 

Kai: (He shakes his head annoyed.) Again, we need Zane here to track Lloyd and Crystal. What don't you get?

Styx: And Pixal's back at the Monastary keeping the police off your guys' trail. 

Zane: Turn left at the corner. (Kai turns at an intersection.) 

Styx: How far have they been underground for?

Zane: Twenty minutes. 

Jay: Ugh, this is so boring. (He goes to the back and notices a box) Oh, wow! Look at all these noodle soups!

Cole: (Watching Ciara and the Mechanic who are still tied up.) Wait, there's soup?

Jay: Chicken noodle soup, minestrone, egg noodle you have any beef noodle soup?

(The Mechanic grumbles angrily as Ciara shakes violently against the ropes.)

Cole: Heh, I think that's a no.

Jay: (Holding a soup cup, he slouches.) Bummer!

Zane: Slow down. I think Lloyd and Crystal are stopping near the same location we investigated earlier. 

Styx: You mean, the abandoned N line? The place Jay told us to go to before those New Ninja appeared and messed everything up.

Kai: Huh, maybe Jay was right about there being a secret entrance. Wouldn't that be crazy? Jay being right? Hehe. 

Jay: (He appears through the window as Kai smirks.) Hey! Zane, do you mind putting this in the instant noodle maker?

(Ciara tried to claw against the ropes behind her back before the Mechanic shakes his mechanical arm and she nods getting an idea. He detaches his mechanical arm while Cole is going through the soup.)

Jay: Ooh, I can't wait! I'm so hungry! (He takes a sip.) Aww, it's still cold.

(Meanwhile, back underground, Lloyd and Crystal reach the dead end of the N line)

Crystal: The N Line... (She whispers to Lloyd.) This was where the Vengestone from Shintaro was being shipped.

Lloyd: But it's a dead end? (To the spider.) Why did you take us here?

(The spider activates a hidden door as the two disguised Ninja gasp.)

Lloyd: (Whispers) Jay was right? 

Crystal: You sound surprised. 

(As the two walk in they arrives at a high-tech chamber with a vehicle.)

Computer: Mr. Mechanic, Ms. Ciara, please buckle your belts.

Lloyd: (Pulls at the seatbelt) How does this thing work?

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