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"Shut up Charles!" "Why?! Every fucking thing I try to do right Harry ruins! It's fucking bullshit and you know it!"
Draco ran his hand through his platinum blonde hair.
"What are you going to do? Beat the living shit out of Potter? Madam Pomfrey will heal him. Knock him off of his broom like you did first year? He's your teams seeker. Are you going to take his friends away? You gonna make Hermione Granger fall for you?"

Charles thought.

"Yeah I will. I will get Hermione Granger to fall in love with me." "Oh my god." Draco groaned into his hands that ran down his face. "You are a moron. Granger will talk to Harry." "Not if she thinks he'll disapprove." Draco gave Charles a look but Charles ignored him.

The Gryffindor tower painting opened and Harry, Hermione and Ron walked in.
They looked over and raised an eyebrow.

"Homework?" "Homework." "Ugh! You two ruin everything!" They laughed and headed to their usual round table.

"Your telling me Potter will give a fuck Hermione will like you when he doesn't give a shit I'm here?" "Well your Draco Malfoy. She's Hermione Granger one of his first friends."
Draco rolled his eyes and leaned back in the red couch.

Harry walked up and took on of the pillows before walking back and sitting on it. Ron snorted and Harry hit him with a book.

"I'm short shut up!" Ron laughed and Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't worry Harry your really cute." "Thanks 'Mione." She giggled and Harry mimicked her. She laughed and Harry grumbled.

"Tell me how you'll get Granger." "Well with a little bit of your help." "Why?" Draco groaned. "Because you can distract Harry while I make my move." Draco looked at Charles as if he was stupid. "Oh come on just start a fight with the prat." Draco rolled his eyes. "I expect something in return." "I'll buy the butterbeer when we go to Hogsmeade." Draco sighed. "Fine." Charles smiled. "I knew you'd gladly help me."
Draco rolled his eyes and looked back at the trio.

He sighed again.

Draco sat on the chair with his homework piled on his lap while Charles was asleep, snoring peacefully on the floor.
Harry walked over and bent down.

"Wow don't I feel bad for the people who share a dorm with him." "Hey!" Harry chuckled and laid on the couch.
Hermione walked over and laid Harry's feet on her lap.

"Oh dear my feet are killing me." "Rub mine and I'll rub yours." "Tomorrow I'm exhausted." Draco rolled his eyes at Harry's exasperation.

"Anyways. Malfoy how long to do plan to stay here." "Oh he's still here?" Draco glared at Harry who shot one right back.
"I'm staying until my homework's done." "Don't you have your own common room?" "Shut up Potter if it weren't for you I wouldn't have to deal with Whiny Potter down there." "... What the fuck did I do?" "A lot apparently." Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh that's just like you Harry. Always stirring up trouble." " 'Mione it's not my fault for this one." "Mhm." Draco smirked. "You cause so much trouble not even your friends trust you." Harry rolled his eyes. "I don't cause that much trouble." "Yes you do." "Not as much as the Weasley twins." "You rival them." "Hermione stop siding with the prat." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Anyways Harry are you going to Hogsmeade this year with us?" Harry nodded. "Yeah I faked Vernons signature." "Isn't that bad?" "I wanted freedom!" "Potter you already have enough "freedom" for a life time." Harry rolled his eyes. "You get away with your crap too." "Not as much as you." Harry rolled his eyes.
"It's because your the golden boys brother." Harry's eye twitched.

He sat up and glared at Draco.

"Don't lump me with him." "Why? He is your brother." "I don't have a brother." "He's right there." "That's Charles." "Your brother." "Not my brother." "But he's your brother." "He's the boy-who-lived." "Your brother." "He's not my brother." "Well biology says otherwise." "I'm surprised you know such a word." Dracos eye twitched and Harry smirked. "Really Potter? You wanna go there?" "You started Malfoy."

They got in each other's faces. Harry standing on the couch.

The Gryffindor common room rang with their fighting and Hermione sighed.

"Prat!" "Git!" "Bitch!" "Faggot!" "Arse!" "Whore!"

"Would you two stop?!" "He called me a faggot!" "Harry.. you started the name calling." Draco smirked smugly. "He is a prat though." Harry looked at Draco. "Prat." "Your just jealous because I have the looks of an alpha." "Does your status matter?" "Against your little beta one yes." Harry rolled his eyes. "You alphas think you can do everything. It's honestly annoying." "Like your hair." "My hairs fine!" "Please I could use all of my gel and your hair wouldn't change." "It's sad you even use gel. What don't trust your hair to go the way you want?" Dracos eye twitched.

"And here we go again." Hermione sighed.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now