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"Nice glasses mate." "Thanks it feels better than those goggles." Ron chuckled as Harry put on his new round black rimmed glasses.
"Much better." Ginny smiled.

"Well come on we cant be late!" Harry looked at his watch. 6:30. "We take the car once and she doesn't trust us anymore." "I know it's hurtful." "You will never drive Ronald Weasley!" Harry laughed and ran out of the house before Ron could hit him. "Get back here you git!"

Harry put his trunk in the expandable trunk and Ron followed before sitting beside his brunette friend.

"I hate you." Harry chuckled. "No you don't. We're friends you can't." "Yeah funny Harry." Harry smiled.

Arthur drove off with them having some traffic problems.


"Holy crap we're here before 10:50 for once!" Ron and Harry high fived. "That's an accomplishment!"
Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Ginny then the parents.

They went through the brick wall and was met with the usual large violet red train that steamed. The station as crowded as ever with parents saying goodbye to their 11 year olds or parents telling their children not to mess around and stay on top of their studies.

"I'll never get over this." Harry smiled.
They all pushed their trollies and got their stuff into a compartment before going back and saying goodbye.
Molly telling Fred and George not to do anymore pranks and that she expected to not see another letter from the headmaster about them.

She told Harry and Ron to not follow the twins and they chuckled.

Hermione came up and hugged them before putting her stuff away and saying a last goodbye to her parents.

The train steamed and roared a warning that it was almost time to leave.
Harry, Ron and Hermione climbed back into the train and sat in the compartment. Waving bye and shouting back to Molly and Arthur.

Soon the train took off and Harry shut the window.
Ron slouched and Harry leaned back on the wall.

"That.. I'll never get used to." Harry chuckled. "Seriously."
Hermione pulled out her book and a letter fell. Before Hermione could get it Harry picked it up and opened it.

Hermione tried to get it back but Harry kept her away as he skimmed it.
Harry clenched the parchment.

"You apologized to him?!" "She did what?!" "Yes! Ok I apologized! I felt bad for seeing him in that condition!" "I beat his arse! He deserved it and I believe that! Everyone believes that!" "But Harry he has scars!" "Oh boo hoo."
Hermione frowned.
"You just don't understand what that means Harry. You don't understand any of it." Harry clenched the parchment in his fist. "Fine.. if I don't understand than you can be his new best friend.. since ya know my efforts to protect you don't seem to do shit."

Harry slammed the letter onto her chest as he walked out.
Hermione frowned and sighed.

"Hermione you are a moron." "Shut up Ronald!" Ron rolled his eyes. "I hope you find out your mistake. Your like everyone else.. so obsessed with the chosen one because he is rumored to kill he-who-must-not-be-named and has one scar. You want to know something Hermione. That scar on Charles cheek isn't from some killing curse. If it was a killing curse like rumored Charles survived than he would have a lightning shaped scar."
Ron stood and walked out.

Hermione clenched the love letter to her chest.

Hermione knew Ron and Harry couldn't understand what it felt like to have a craving for a strong alpha, to want an alpha of their own.
Harry and Ron were Betas and they will never have that sort of connection with an alpha or omega, Hermione knew this... yet she felt guilt in her stomach.. like one of her friends did know what it felt like.

Harry walked past the Slytherins who threw nasty comments and opened the back of the train door open.
Draco spun and glared.

"Why are you here?" "I'm about this close to beating someone watch it." Draco rolled his eyes and turned back around.
Harry shut the door and sat on the floor.

They were silent. Both were silent but didn't mind. Conversation wasn't something needed in times like these and each was grateful the other didn't ask why... or didn't know why.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now