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Harry, Hermione, Blaise, Draco and Ron looked over.

"It's from outside."
Hermione held Harry's arm, helping him walk so they'd get there faster.

They got outside to see Charles standing in front of lord Voldemort.

"What the fuck is that dumbass doing?" "Trying to prove me wrong."
Draco helped Harry get to the front and Voldemort gave a sickly smile.

Everyone looked at him and Draco clenched his fists.

Voldemort ushered for Draco to come toward him.
Harry looked up.

"Your family Draco." Draco looked down at Harry. "Go to them."
Draco nodded and advanced.

Everyone held a gasp in.
Voldemort awkwardly hugged him and Draco walked to his family, holding his mother's hand.

Narcissa looked over to see Harry right behind Charles as if he knew something would happen.

"Is that who you were talking about?" "Narcissa." "Yes mother."
Narcissa nodded.

Voldemort took in all of the the lights faces.. though one caught his eye.

"Charles Potter."
Charles clenched his wand.

Voldemort hummed and looked to Charles left, seeing Harry behind him.
Voldemort raised his wand.

Two words.

"Avada Kedarva!"

Charles casted the same spell, though his wasn't as bright of a green, showing he didn't have that large of a magical reserver.

Everyone watched in tension as they dueled.
Though Charles was quickly over powered.

Lily ran up and went to stop the green light that quickly headed for her son but another came in contact with Voldemort's, this one.. was just as bright as Voldemort.

Voldemort's eyes lit up. He searched for the source and found the exact same small boy who stood behind Charles.

Charles was frozen.
Voldemort's spell was only a few feet away from him while another one was dangerously close to his face.

Lily ran over and pulled him away from the light.
She looked for the source and found herself staring in amazement at Harry Potter, her youngest and omega son.

Voldemort wanted a name, the boy who was not known to him has taken Charles spot, the one he thought he had tried to kill, the one he thought had the scar to prove it.

Voldemort met shimmering emerald green eyes.

Harry leaned on his left foot, trying to make the pain receive but it wasn't doing much help.

"Harry your going to hurt yourself!" "Shut up Hermione!"
Hermione clenched her fists.

She was one to admit the longer the Avada Kedarva green light reflected off of Harry's own gorgeous green eyes.. the more they just looked more magnificent.

Harry clenched his fists and pushed more.

Once more everyone watched, Draco more on edge than anyone as Voldemort and Harry fought for dominance.
Neville held the Gryffindor sword when he noticed a snake coming up on Harry.

He quickly acted and sliced the snake who turned out to be Nagini.
She vanished and Voldemort's power wavered. Harry took that chance and pushed once more.

His magic over powering Voldemort's.
The dark watched scared as Voldemort vanished in black mist.

The remains being swept with the wild wind.
Harry panted as he lowered his wand.

"Oh my god.. I didn't know how hard that could be."
Ron was the first to break out laughing. Slowly everyone joined.

The dark stayed silent and one by one they quickly escaped before the ministry could get there.
The Malfoy family stayed.

Lucius wanted to leave to the protection of his home but Draco wouldn't budge.
Without warning Draco ran, he ran to the other side and engulfed Harry in a hug. Harry gripped his shirt and buried into his chest.

"So fucking reckless." Harry chuckled airily.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now