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"Ok ready?" "No." "Draco you promised." "I promised no such thing." Charles pouted and Draco rolled his eyes. "Your an absolute child." "I know." Draco rolled his eyes again.
"Now go distract Harry." "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

Harry turned around and Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Five points from Gryffindor!" Harry's mouth fell agape. "And who are you to decide that?" "The new prefect. Now go run along and do your little kid things." Harry glared at him. "Prefect my arse." "What? Don't believe me?" "Why the fuck would I believe such a thing?" "Than I'll show you."
Draco grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him away.

Charles smirked and advanced toward Hermione who was absolutely lost.

Draco let go of Harry's arm and he rubbed it.

"What the fuck was that for?" "Charles is gonna make a move on Hermione and I want him to pay for the beer this time." Harry looked dumbfounded. "That's the reason?" "Yeah." "Oh my god."
Harry sighed in annoyance.
"Charles doesn't like Hermione." Draco shrugged. "He's trying to make his parents happy without you getting in the way without knowing." "She has a major crush on him. Fuck!" "It's not that big of a deal." "Charles is just using her if Charles gets what he wants he'll break her heart. After that I have to deal with her. She'll come to me for everything little thing." "She has that bad of a crush on him?" Harry clapped his hands on his hips. "Why do you think she blushes every time you two come into a room? She's a omega, she's attracted to alphas." "Oh what? Saying that's the only reason?" "No there are more but I don't feel like going over my friends love life!" Harry growled. "Tsk. Once he gets what he wants he'll be done with her, just take care of her after that." "What he wants is a heir. And that comes with intimacy." Draco scrunched his nose in disgust. "Yeah and we'll hear about it." "Why did I agree to this?!" "Because your a dumbass and didn't think ahead." "Shut up!" "I'm just saying."

"Come on!" Draco ran, dragging Harry with him.

Harry stopped Draco and they watched as Charles kissed Hermione.

"Good job Malfoy. Our life's will now become hell." Harry patted Dracos broad chest and walked away. "Fuck my life." Draco sighed and walked away.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now