Hitman (2/3) - Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson & Reader

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Words: 1436
Pairing: steve rogers x reader, sam wilson & reader (platonic)
Warnings: Swearing, gun usage, kidnapping, nightmares
Requested: by many people lol
Summary: After your date, you've been having nightmares and Sam is there to help you through them. He takes his eyes off of you for two minutes and everything changes.
Author's Note: this one is much angstier than part 1 oops

Note For Wattpad: I have added parts 2 and 3 onto this book as well! When I originally wrote this, the second and third part were written much later and now I am going back and organizing things. 



You had trouble sleeping every night. Most nights, Sam had to lay in bed with you so you could fall asleep. Ever since the date with Steve and the following text message, you were afraid Steve would tell everyone. The nights when Sam didn't lay with you resulted in nightmares. And him being your best friend, he didn't wish that upon you.

He tried to tell you that Steve wouldn't be one to say anything about your past. But you couldn't bring yourself to believe that and continued to fear the worst. You couldn't shake the thought from your mind about The Avengers coming after you.

You shifted as you were screaming. "You're from HYDRA! You'll always go back to your roots!" Steve yelled at you as you tried to run away, "If you want to save Sam, you know what we need to do."

You started to shout as you ran, and you heard a gunshot.

You screamed and sat up in your bed, hyperventilating. Sam's eyes popped open to see you panicking, and he sat up to comfort you. "What happened? Here, talk to me, breathe and speak to me," Sam started, and you took a deep breath to listen to him talk.

You finally told him about your dream, and Sam sighed. There seemed to be no end to the nightmares. He started to get out of bed, and you gave a confused look. "I'm going to get you some water; I'll be right back. Don't move," Sam smiled, you nodded, and he left the room.

You fiddled with your thumbs as you waited patiently for Sam. You laid back in your bed and sighed. Before you knew it, hands were grabbing and picking you up, and when you opened your mouth to scream, no sounds came out.

A few minutes later, Sam walked back into the room. When he didn't see you waiting on the bed, he let out a small chuckle. "Come on, (Y/N), I thought I told you not to move," He sighed and set the glass of water down. He began to look around the dark room with a smile still present on his face. "Alright, I'm done with your bullshit, come on out," Sam laughed once more, picked up the water again, and looked back to the bed.

His eyes shifted slightly to see broken glass all over the floor, proving that the window next to the bed was shattered. Sam dropped the glass of water, only adding more to the broken glass pile on the floor, and dashed out of the house. Sam was wearing sweatpants and a random t-shirt, along with no shoes. He was worried about you; there was no time for shoes.

Sam ran down the street yelling your name. He was probably waking up everyone in the neighborhood, but the more people to help find you, the better. He ran down alleyways, into woods, behinds buildings, but there was no trace of you.

Sam searched until dawn before heading back to his house. He was beyond worried and had no more ideas of how to find you or who took you. Defeated, Sam got dressed and decided to head to the one person he thought could help.

"Steve Rogers," Sam announced when he walked into Tony's training room.

"Sam Wilson," Steve turned around after throwing one more punch at the punching bag.

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