Agent - Natasha Romanoff x Reader

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Words: 1154
Paring: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Featuring: Bruce Banner
Warnings: passing out(?), a little night of hand-in-hand fighting
Summary: As you train to be a higher level SHIELD agent, you are knocked too hard and end up getting checked over by someone you never expected.
Author's Note: I just started writing and I don't really know where it went.



You fell flat on the floor and groaned. "You're such a cheater!" You yelled at your sparing buddy.

He looked at you as you laid out on the floor in frustration. "Isn't the goal here to fight and win?" He smiled. As you were trying to become a SHIELD agent, training was part of your test. Today didn't happen to be your day- or did any other day.

It's hard to train when the person against you knows how you work. You had been training with this guy for years; he knows all your moves and how you act, so it doesn't really help that you can't even try anything on him; it's like he knows your every move.

So you went at it again, back up on your feet. He threw you to the ground again, but this time, much harder.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He said quickly as he knelt to the ground.

"Yeah...I'm fi..." And your eyes starting to close, blinks were getting slower, and soon enough, your eyes didn't open back up.


You slowly opened your eyes and quickly noticed you were in a white room with beeping noises all around you.

"They're awake." You heard a voice say, and you continued to blink.

You noticed a woman walk up and look down, right over your face, with a friendly smile. She had red hair, and seemed to be wearing a black top. She looked familiar, but in your woozy state, you couldn't put your finger on it.

"Welcome back." She smiled.

"What hap- where am I?" You stumbled out, trying to sit up. Two hands were on your shoulder, and you were pushed back down.

"You should stay down." The man's voice came back. You hadn't had a chance to look at him.

"You were training with a man, and he knocked you out pretty good. Especially on the wrong part of the room. Good thing we came down there to check on some of the recruits." She smiled. She had a nice smile.

"But where am I?" You asked.

"Oh, you're in a recovery room." The woman said.

"I told her you'd be fine after putting some ice on your head and resting; we were about to send you back downstairs, but Little Miss I-actually-like-someone-for-once, decided that she wanted to make sure she was here when you woke." The man said, and you finally got a look at him. Bruce Banner?

Then it dawned on you. Natasha Romanoff. Black Widow. How am I so stupid? You wondered.

"Glad you're okay." She smiled at you.

"Thank you." You replied. You started to get a cough that seemed as it wouldn't go away.

"Would you like some water?" Natasha offered you. What were you even supposed to call her? You're just trying to become a SHIELD agent; you didn't think for a second you'd get even to see an avenger.

"Um, sure." You smiled, and she nodded and walked out of the room.

"You're the first person she's taken such a liking to in a while." Doctor Banner told you.

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