Security - Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes & Reader

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Words: 1590
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes & Reader
Warnings: fighting, mentions death, seeing death, nightmares, crying
Requested by anon
"Can you do one where you're comforting Bucky and he needs human comfort and he kisses you and pietro understands it's not your fault but he's still extremely angry and he freaks? (But Bucky never really meant to kiss you/offend you)"
Summary: Dating Pietro can be interesting, especially around the others. Bucky hates to see it, but warms up to you once you help him through a hard night.
Author's Note: This does have a hint of disloyalty (but is forgiven!) so just a warning there. I left the request in this one because it explains it better. 



"Okay, okay!" You shrieked, "I surrender!"

"Say the words!" He tackled you onto the couch before erupting into laughter again. "Come on, say them!"

"But I don't want to!" You struggled to get away, but he was lying on top of you with a very sarcastic smile, mocking you.

"I am not afraid to strike again," He warned as he moved his hand to be in front of your stomach. He poked you, causing you to laugh.

"Okay!" You screamed and accepted defeat against your boyfriend, "I love you, Pietro."

"Good." Pietro smiled and bent down to kiss your forehead.

"Are you going to say something to me?" You cocked your eyebrow.

Pietro rolled his eyes, "I love y-"


You laughed when you heard the new voice walk in. Pushing Pietro off the couch, you made eye contact with Bucky. "Why is that gross?" You asked

"You guys are all over each other," Bucky grumbled.

"For the record, we were in the middle of a tickle fight and ended up falling over," You laughed and put your hand on Bucky's shoulder- his real shoulder.

Bucky shook his head and walked into the kitchen, making your hand fall off him. "Love is stupid. All that happens is you fall in love, and it gets ripped from you. Leaving you with nothing." Bucky had his back turned to you; he couldn't see your frown.

"Well, you just need to have the right person," You turned your head to smile at Pietro, "I don't understand why you're so against it; it's actually really nice. You know, being able to do nothing and sit around with a person you care about. You get to just have someone that's-"

"Look, I don't care," Bucky cut you off, "I get it, you are very happy with the speedster, and you are in love. But love is not a thing for me anymore, okay? Just drop it." Bucky grabbed a fruit and walked out of the kitchen.

Pietro gave you a weird look when you turned around, "He'll find love one day," You nodded.

Your boyfriend shook his head at you and was standing with his arm around you in a second, "I never got to finish talking earlier," He smiled, "I love you."

Laughing, you kissed his cheek, "Good."


Only a few nights later, as you and Pietro were lying in bed, he was called on an emergency mission. You wanted to go and help, but it needed the speedster who could get there quickly, not an assassin. Cap and Tony also left, and everyone else was asleep but you. You couldn't stop worrying about Pietro. For the past few months, you needed Pietro to be next to you as you slept; it gave you security. After an accident on the field, Pietro was the one thing that helped you feel safe.

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