Scared - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 990
Pairing: Pietro Maximofff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: comas, talk of fighting, talk of guns/bullets
Requested by @teenwolfchick1996
Summary: You and the Maximoff's have a rough past with HYDRA, and when you reunite you couldn't be happier. But in a particular battle, someone has another idea.
Author's Note: so in the beginning its kinda like a backstory but then it leads to more.



You had known the Maximoff's for years. You met at HYDRA when they came in for Strucker's experiments. And you being a good spy, not sure what side was what, Strucker had you working for him.

And it didn't take long for you to take an extreme liking to Pietro, and you two quickly got together. Wanda, of course, accepted you; she had become your best friend. Since you guys were close in age, it wasn't hard to become friends.

But eventually, after about a year of being with Pietro (and many years working at HYDRA), you knew that HYDRA wasn't for you.

Wanda and Pietro supported you, of course, but it was going to be complicated.

Pietro had told you that you two would always be in each other's hearts; but you wouldn't be together. So when you agreed to "take a break," not knowing if you'd ever see each other again, it hurt. And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't seem to get with or love anyone else. So dating for you went away. (And little did you know: it did for Pietro, too.)

But being a spy made it hard to find work. And when you got jobs, it was often dangerous. One time, you figured out that you were looking for a guy that a well-known team was looking for also. And that's how you got into meeting the Avengers.

Three years later, you were helping the Avengers get back Loki's scepter from a HYDRA base that you just so happened to know your way around.

And that's where you found out that your previous boyfriend was working for the wrong side.

You felt horrible when he saw you; he was so caught off guard. And when he saw you working with your team, he didn't know what to say. So he ran away. (You were just glad that he finally grew into his powers.)

And when he joined your side, you were more than joyful. You two could finally get back together and share your love again, and that is exactly what you did.

It all happened so fast. The whole team was headed back to Sokovia for the battle against Ultron, and many innocent people were dying. You were sure you were going to die trying to save everyone, too. But Pietro, he had seen you looking lost and last moment ran you to a ship to the Hellicarrier.

You wished so dearly that he stayed on the ship with you, but he saw Clint and had to help him.

When you heard the dozens of gunshots, you ran off the ship as fast as you could. And that was only to have you find Pietro on the ground, a dozen bullets in him.

It was more than lucky that Pietro survived. (What greats doctors you have). Everyone thought he was for sure dead, and he almost was. He was in a coma, but at least he was still breathing.

It had been a week since he got shot, and you hadn't left his bedside in the hospital wing. Wanda was with you too and fell asleep on the bench. But you stayed up as late as you could and always ended up falling asleep in the chair and on the table.

You and Wanda had talked most of the time, and you always wondered if Pietro could hear you. You read somewhere that people in comas could hear you, but you didn't know if it was true; that didn't stop you and Wanda from taking at least a few minutes to talk to him.

Wanda was requested back to the newly developed facility a few days later, but you were able to stay with Pietro throughout the night again. You knew Wanda hated leaving him, but she agreed to be an Avenger, and couldn't say no.

You had a book to read, a notebook to doodle in, and your phone to look through. Anything that would help keep you up. If Pietro woke up, you wanted to be there when he did.

It had gotten around three in the morning when you felt like you were going crazy.

"Pietro, wow, I really hope you can hear me. I sound crazy talking to myself." You laughed a bit. "I really miss you. We went over three years without each other, and I just got you back...I can't lose you again." You sighed. You were already talking quiet; now you were even quieter, trying not to cry.

"I wish you would just wake up, yell boo, and tell me this was all a joke." You grabbed his hand and put your head down into your other hand, trying to stop you from crying.

In all of this distracting yourself from crying, you didn't see Pietro move his arm. Or blink. Or even smile when he saw that you were by his side, holding his hand.

"Please...tell me it's just a joke."

"Boo." He said with all his might, but still weak. It came out a little louder than a whisper, and it still made you jump back.

He heard you talk about waking up and saying boo; it was like a miracle; he woke up at the perfect time.

"Piet...Pietro?" You whispered when you saw a slight smile on his face.

"I'm here..." Pietro said.

"You scared me!" You laughed out, still quiet.

"What, by almost dying or saying boo?" He asked; well at least his sarcasm was still with him.

You rolled your eyes. "Both, you sucker."

"You love me." He said, you could hear how weak he was.

"You know I can't deny that." You told him, smiling, and you kissed his cheek. A doctor soon came in after he saw you talking to him; he was finally okay. Even though it was only a little over a week, it was way too long for him not to be okay.

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