Hitman (1/3) - Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson & Reader

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Words: 1281
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson & Reader (platonic)
Warnings: slight angst, swearing, mentions killing
Requested by anon
Summary: It was interesting how you met your best friend, but years later things are still going great and you've even met a guy. Now a reformed HYDRA agent, what could go wrong?

Author's Note: Goddamn I want Sam Wilson as a best friend. Takes place around CATWS

Note for Wattpad: I have added parts 2 and 3 onto this book as well! When I originally wrote this, the second and third part were written much later and now I am going back and organizing things. 



"Where do you want to get breakfast after we run?"

You looked over at your best friend, "Oh no, don't get me thinking about food before we go on a run."

"Just trying to plan ahead." Sam smiled as the two of you walked to your running spot. And without even realizing it, you zoned out to remember the dream you had the night prior.

"We need you to kill someone." The head HYDRA agents instructed you.

"Who now?"  You asked, starting to get annoyed with all the hits you had to take out.

"Sam Wilson." The man told you and turned a photo around the man you had to take out.

You nodded like you always did. You had to do everything HYDRA asked; who knew what they would do if you didn't listen? "What did he do?"

"He's dangerous," Another agent spoke, "He has access to special military tools that could be critical to our organization."

You nodded once more, getting ready to head out on your mission. You figured out where he would be at the exact time they wanted him gone, and you headed to the address. You were confused when the address landed you at a cemetery and why there was only one person there.

You slowly walked up behind him, trying to figure out if it was the man you were instructed to take out. It was.

He was sitting on a chair, in a black suit, with his elbows propped on his knees, and his hands were holding up his head. He was muttering something and  youbeing curious, you stayed quiet to listen to what he had to say.

"It's all my fault...I could have helped, Riley; I'm sorry," He started to speak and stood up to walk over to the coffin, "I'm going to miss you."

You felt sorry for this man. He had just lost someone very important to him, and you couldn't kill him. Before you moved, the man turned around, and his jaw dropped when he saw you. "Who the hell are you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Sam snapped you out of your daydream.

You shrugged. "I had a dream last night that was more of a memory, of the first time we met." You told him.

Sam laughed a bit, "What, when you showed up to kill me?"

"Yeah, that."

"How did you manage to go from my hitman to my roommate?" Sam shook his head with a smirk as the two of you walked up to a tree to set your bags down.

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