All Right - Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader

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Words: 1288
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff, Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes (mentioned)
Warnings: sad, crying, pain from hydra, talk of killing/hurting people, nightmares
Requested by anon
Summary: You were HYDRA's favorite pet right after James Barnes, as you took up his mantle as the female Winter Soldier. You couldn't escape like Barnes did, and ended up working with others. You still suffer from nightmares from those days, and it's a good thing your boyfriend is there to help you through it.
Author's Note: Kinda flashback focused, but I like this one a lot. It's a very interesting prompt I was given and I like how it turned out!



"Is what we're doing right?" You asked Agent Rumlow. He was the one in charge of making sure you were okay, especially what happened after they lost agent Barnes. They didn't want to lose you too.

"Of course it is." Agent Rumlow replied. "Why would it be anything other than that?"

"What happened to Barnes?"

Rumlow formed fists, and his mouth went into a straight line. "He left us."


"He thought what we're doing is wrong. But no, we're doing what's right. He made a mistake. Don't you do that either, okay? Trust me; you're going to make the world a better place."

"But I've killed so many, Brock- Agent Rumlow." You said, not looking up at him; you were getting scared.

"As I said, you're only killing the poisons in this world," Rumlow told you.

"If I find Barnes, he's going to kill me, right?" You asked. Bucky Barnes- or The Winter Solider- had always scared you; you were a lot younger than him and less experienced. He had gone face to face with a lot of worse people than you had, and if he believed that what HYDRA was doing was wrong, he might even kill you.

"No, he won't kill you. You're stronger than him, smarter than him. He's weak. You could easily take him out." Rumlow seemed to be getting angry. "You are a girl, and that makes you better than the weak, Winter Soldier."

"What we're doing is wrong; I shouldn't have killed those people." You whispered.

Rumlow grabbed your arm and pulled you to stand up. He brought you down the familiar hallway where the pain was always brought to you.

"What is it now?" The man at the door whispered- you could never seem to remember his name.

"Asking questions, same thing Barnes did," Rumlow whispered back, but no matter how quiet they were, you could always hear them.

"Get to her before she can get out." The man replied. And before you could do anything, you were strapped down to the metal chair. A strap was around your head, they pressed a button, and everything was forgotten.

"Draga?" You were shook awake by Pietro.

You were breathing heavily, and your heart was racing. Sweat was falling down your face, and you had a horrible headache.

"What, oh-oh my..." You felt tears begin to fill up your eyes.

"What was it this time, (Y/N)?"

You shrugged. "Rumlow, brainwashing me. It much."

"Do not worry, they cannot get you now, and I won't let them."

You clung to Pietro like he was the only thing keeping you on the ground and sane. You didn't want to start crying, but you couldn't help it. There were so many things you wish you could have forgotten from your Winter Solider days. But with all the brainwashing, it seemed strange that everything stuck with you.

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