WAWR - Peter Parker x (f)Reader x Brother!Stark (4/6)

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Words: 1221
Pairing: Peter Parker x (f)Reader x Brother!Stark
Featuring: James Rhodes, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: swearing, little bit of fighting
Summary: Tony's worried, so he makes a call. You and Cap's team move forward in your search for Wanda, but there's someone waiting.
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who comes back to read this series! And thank you for all the support I'm getting on these fics! The messages I get make my day, I'm so glad it's liked!



"Tony, you really need some sleep. You look horrible." Rhodey said.

"Wow, thanks." Tony rolled his eyes, taking another drink of his coffee. "I can't sleep. You don't understand."

"Hey, she said to give them three days. It's only been one and a half. If you don't get some sleep soon, it could end badly for you. And you won't be awake when she gets back." Rhodey tried to reason.

"You don't understand!" Tony began to get angrier. "I've tried to get some sleep. I really have. I got, I don't know, fifteen minutes. Then I woke up, screaming, because I dreamed- no, nightmared, that she was killed. I raised her like my own daughter, for over ten years, I can't not worry." Tony babbled.

Rhodey sighed, unable to beat the stubborn Stark. Hmm, that explains where you got your stubbornness trait.


"So, we have figured out that Bucky, Clint, Scott, and I are going to fight from the ground. While doing that, Sam's going to fly around looking for any entrances." Steve began to explain.

"Okay, where do I come in?" You asked.

"You see, if we can't find a way in, then we'll need to break our way in. Plus, inside is going to be insane. I need you on this." Steve told you.

"What about Peter? What will he do?" You asked.

"Whatever he deems necessary. I've seen him catch some heavy things before." Steve said.

"One more question, Cap." You held up a finger.


"How did you manage to figure out that Wanda is at this specific base?"

"Well, she's been missing for two and a half weeks now; we just recently found word from her."

"Two and a half weeks?" You repeated, scared for your friend's life.

"Yes, and that's why we can't waste any more time!" Steve yelled.

"Then let's get the hell going." You stood up. "Suit up, everyone." You stole Cap's line.


Killing off agents, fighting back, trying to find a way to break in.

Hours on end, you were getting tired.

"How are you holding up, (Y/N)?" Steve asked.

"Not so...not so good." You were breathing heavily. "I might pass out." Your head started to hurt, and you screamed out in pain, bringing your hands to your head.

"Someone get to her location, quickly! We can't risk anything!" Steve yelled, and that's the last thing you remember.

Sam found you before it was too late. It was a very close call, though; you were almost taken like Wanda.

Everyone got back to the hideout. Wanda was not saved today; they needed you for that. But now, a ton of agents were down, and the team found a way in.

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