Nervous - Peter Parker x Reader

8.2K 176 13

Words: 937
Pairing: (CACW) Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: none
Requested by: anon
Summary: Being the only freshman on the varsity volleyball team, games can make you a bit nervous about messing up. Good thing Peter is with you to help calm you down, even if he's not great at it.
Author's Note: Soooo I kinda added a few things onto this request but I think it still turned out super cute! Also, thank you all for 1400 followers!



You were pacing around your boyfriend's apartment in the midst of freaking out.

"Hey, you need to take a deep breath and sit down." Your boyfriend, Peter, tried to tell you.

"I can't; I'm so nervous!" You told him. Being on the varsity volleyball team as a freshman was huge, and tonight's game was huge. Against your school's biggest rival, you couldn't afford to lose this game.

Peter sighed. "Well, what can I do to help you calm down?" He asked.

You shrugged and continued to walk around his room. You got to thinking about the game and how great it was going to go until you messed it up.

Your whole team would be mad at you, and blame you because you're "just the freshman." Peter was upset because he knew how much you worked for this, let alone make him listen to you freak out. You felt like you let your team down.

You were pulled out of the clouds when you ran into Peter's wall, causing the attic access to open and drop some of his clothes on you.

"Ouch..." You grabbed at your head.

Peter walked over to help you up, picking the clothes up off the ground and throwing them elsewhere. The only thing you noticed was how weird those colors were.

"Here, you need to sit down." He laughed a bit and guided you over to sit on his bed with you. "Let's talk."

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to get this game off my mind." You told him.

Peter shrugged. "It's worth a try. How have you been doing in math?" He asked.

You laughed. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "My math teacher sucks...not to mention who I have to work with in that class. I'm doing terribly." You said, and Peter laughed a bit.

"I'm clearly not the best at distracting." He said.

"No, really?" You asked with a smile. "Whatever happened with Tony Stark coming here?"

"Oh, he was just here to talk to me about that... thing I signed up for." Peter sighed.

"Yeah, right." You laughed a bit. "I heard something went down at a German airport, and guess who was there? Tony Stark and the Avengers! With the Spider-Guy from around here." You wiggled your eyebrows.

Peter smiled widely. "Really? Like, right after he talked to me?"

You slapped his arm. "If you just told me, then I might calm down about my game."

"Hey! How about I give you one of my amazing back massages to help de-stress you?" Peter smiled.

You laughed at him and rolled your eyes. "Sure, Spider-Dude."

"I don't know why you're saying that." Peter shrugged.

"Whatever." You smirked and laid down so he could give you a back massage.

"Why don't you just tell me?" You said as he started to touch your back.

"Tell you what?"



"Just tell me! Or I'm going to go to the school now and freak out even more." You reasoned.

Peter continued to give your back a massage, and he sighed. Then, he finally told you.

"See, I knew it! That wasn't so hard." You smiled at him.

"Yeah, yeah, just- don't tell anyone, okay?" He started to talk quieter.

"Aw, is wittle Peter Parker mad at me for messing with him?" You laughed.

Peter didn't respond to you and finished up your back massage in a few minutes. Then, once he was done, he sat back down on his bed, attempting to pout.

You laughed at his attempt. His words said that he didn't want to tell you, but you could tell in his eyes that he was glad you figured it out.

"I have an idea." You said. "How about you stop being mad at me, and I stop freaking out, and we cuddle." You suggested.

Peter was very open to this suggestion. You guys ended up talking about all the random things (you might have even asked about the battle), and you even included how a guy tried to hit on you. Peter was about ready to beat him up, but you quickly reminded Peter that, at school, he's a weak nerd. Which made you and Peter laugh, even though he didn't want to.

When it was time to head to the school for the game, you were pumped. Peter's aunt May drove the two of you to the school (where your parents would meet you as well). You were dressed in your uniform, and when you saw your team, everyone was messing around, trying to get ready for the game.

Some of the freshman volleyball players were very jealous of you, being able to be on the varsity team, but honestly, you were really good at what you did. It made sense that you made the team.

And you were ready to destroy the other school. Especially hearing all the stories that Peter was telling you about from the battle. You had to win this game- your team wanted it, your school wanted it, your Peter wanted it. (Maybe that was just because he liked seeing you happy and excited, but he still wanted you to win- It was a cute excuse, at least.)

With Peter being your biggest cheerleader along with your parents and May, your team won. And you couldn't be more excited.

"I'm so proud of you!" Peter told you after the game ended. "I love you!"

You stepped back after he said that. You two had been dating for almost a year now, and that was the first time 'love' was used.

You smiled. "I love you too."

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