Every Word - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 927
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Featuring: Steve, Nat, Others
Warnings: swearing, sick
Requested by lclb12
Summary: You have the flu, and only one person is brave enough to be in the same room as you. One night, you eavesdrop.
Author's Note: psa it's the flu not covid I wrote this in 2016. Soft bucky is adorable. Another one without an exact timeline, but Bucky works with the Avengers at the compound and everyone is alive.



You had been in your bed for two days now. You only got out of bed when food was placed outside of your room and when you had to use the bathroom. Which, the bathroom had been a "(Y/N) ONLY ZONE" until you got better.

You didn't really know how you got the flu, but you did know that it sucked. No one wanted to even go near you in fear that they would catch it, and you could barely leave your bed.

Everyone just seemed to assume that it came from all the missions you've been taking on recently. You were pissed; nonetheless, you just wanted to help the team out and take down the bad guys.

You also had a problem of zoning out and having major daydreams or flashbacks while being sick. You were only brought back to reality by your phone buzzing with texts.

Man of Iron: How are ya doing?

bird suit: are you done being sick yet

Wanda: the awesome telekinetic: Do you need anything? I can send it to your room.

You simply replied to all of them, saying that you're still sick, but better. It wasn't like telling them anything other would help you feel better, and it would probably make the others feel bad for not being near you.

You tried to go to sleep, but it was difficult.

Bucky heard your response to all the texts and stood up a tad upset.

"Bucky, where are you going?" Steve asked, partially distracted by a conversation he had going on with Natasha.

"Just going to check on (Y/N)." He shrugged as he headed to where the bedrooms were located.

"But they're sick." Natasha cut in.

Bucky looked back, confused. "So?"

Steve and Natasha both sighed. "Alright, suit yourself." She said.

Bucky nodded and headed straight for your room. He knocked on your door and walked in as you almost dropped your phone on your face. "Bucky?" You asked, the tired showing through your voice.

"Hey," He smiled. "How are you doing?"

You tried to sit up. "Still sick...think I'm getting a bit better, though." You groaned when it was hard for you to sit up.

"Here, let me help you." Bucky started to walk over.

"Bucky, no, you'll get sick." You told him to get him to stop, and he stopped for a second.

"I don't really care; I want to help you get better." He smiled as he helped you sit up. "Do you need anything? I can go get you stuff." He offered.

You shrugged. "I think I'm okay. Thanks, though."

Bucky cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. "Pizza? Soup? Water?"

You caved. "Alright," You sighed, "Pizza sounds really good."

"That's what I was looking for." He smiled. "I'll be back."


Bucky had stayed with you for the next two days. You were worried that he would get sick, but he convinced you that he never got sick, and that was the only reason you let him stay in the room with you (He blamed HYDRA for that one).

Bucky brought you all the food you asked for, and even if you didn't ask for it. He stayed and talked with you since no one else would. Everyone was scared to be around you, but Bucky was scared to leave you. And you were actually starting to feel better, but not enough to leave your room.

It was getting late, and you and Bucky were having another random conversation. You were getting tired, and you didn't want to admit it. Your head was resting on Bucky's leg as you two tiredly talked. You were very giggly in your responses to what Bucky had to say, and before long, you were almost asleep.

Bucky thought you were asleep, and usually, he would leave. He would let you sleep in peace. But you were (half) asleep on his leg, and he didn't want to risk waking you up. His hand moved slowly as he messed with your hair slightly, and he had a small, adoring smile on his face while he looked at you.

You were almost asleep when you heard him talking. You thought he was talking to himself and didn't say anything. "How do I ever say something to you?" He whispered under his breath.

He was contemplating whether or not to speak out loud, and it seemed his mouth made up the decision for him. "Everyone was so scared to come to see you, but I wasn't. I know there is still a risk of getting sick, but this was my chance to be around you alone, even if you think you look like crap." He started. "You have the flu, but that doesn't make me feel any different."

You were confused and intrigued now, and as wrong as it was, you continued to listen. "What do I have to do to show you I love you?" He sighed.

"Bucky?" You whispered like you were waking up.

"Shit," Bucky said and went to leave the room.

You had to act fast. "Bucky, wait." You said, and his head turned to look at you quickly. "I love you, too." You said under your breath.

His eyes went wide, and he started to walk over to you again. "What?" He asked.

"I heard every word, and I love you too." You told him, louder this time.

Bucky slowly moved closer to kiss you.

"Stop, you'll get sick." You sighed.

"Oh, I don't care." He smiled and lightly kissed you.

Bucky got sick the next week.

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