You Should Have Called - Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader

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Words: 1229
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader
Featuring: Clint Barton
Warnings: Pregnancy, arguing, break up
Requested by anon
Summary: You and Pietro ended your relationship on a really bad note, but when you bump into each other a few months later, he realizes you've changed and both of you made a terrible mistake.
Author's Note: I always love myself some Pietro. This fic does involve secret pregnancy.


You stared at the TV, not saying a word, not eating your breakfast, not even looking at the texts you were receiving from your friend, just staring.

"Local hero, Quicksilver, saves a whole part of a city from harmful criminals." The TV said, and you continued to watch.

"It started with the robberies of banks and innocent people, and the police had trouble finding these men. And apparently, so did the Avengers. But when our speeding hero was running around New York, he saw some suspicious men walking towards the banks and schools. He managed to talk to them and make them break down into confessing. What a guy!" The announcer said. "More coming up after the break."

You took a bite of your food. "Yeah," You mumbled, "What a guy."

"If you would just listen to me! Or maybe even spend some time with me!" You told him.

"At least I'm out there saving the world, doing things! At least I have a job!" Pietro yelled. Both of you were sleep-deprived, and fighting while in this state was a bad idea, but there was no going back.

What Pietro said made your jaw drop. "I have a job, thank you!"

"I have not seen anything about it recently," Pietro mumbled.

"Because I'm working on a project with my co-worker that's hard to talk about! In early stages, explaining it is hard." You crossed your arms, getting irritated.

"I'm going to start calling you the queen of excuses," Pietro told you.

"Excuse me?" You looked up at him with a death glare.

"All I hear from you anymore is excuses! 'Oh, I just got back from breakfast with Clint.' 'It's hard to explain.' 'I don't think you understand anything I ever say.'" He mocked you.

You took a deep breath. "Fine, call me the queen of excuses, but don't expect to ever get the chance to call me it." You stormed out of the room, took your car, and got a hotel for a night. It turned into multiple nights. And when you went back to your apartment, Pietro's stuff was cleared out.

"What a guy." You repeated to yourself, under your breath.

You snapped back into reality when your phone began to ring. "Hello?" You asked.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" You recognized the voice of your friend, the one and only Clint Barton.

"Hey, Clint." You smiled into the phone. It had been a few weeks since you had heard from him.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, you know, I'm a-doing." You shrugged. "What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you could help me," Clint said.

"Always." You replied.

"Great, could you possibly come to the facility?"


"He won't be here." He quickly cut you off. "He's on a mission today."

"Oh, then, sure." You nodded, standing up to put away the dishes you used for breakfast.

"It's been six months; when are you going to tell him?"

"Not until after everything is said and done. It was a decision we made, breaking up. And I can fend for myself." You told your friend.

"Or for two." You could hear his slight smile. "Hey, Wanda needs my help; call me when you get here?"

"Yep, bye, Clint." You said and hung up.

You stopped at a local cafe for your favorite drink before going to meet with Clint; he'd understand, especially if you picked up something for him.

As you waited for your drinks, you were standing scrolling through your phone since all the other tables were taken.

"Excuse me, Miss..." You heard a deep voice behind you, "Would you like my seat- (Y/N)?" You turned your head quickly, only to be greeted by the Sokovian boy you used to date.

You plastered a small, fake smile on your face. "Hi, Pietro."

"It's, uh, been a while." He said, not making eye contact.

"Tell me about it." You mumbled.

"You have... changed a bit." He said, quieter.

"Just a little." You shrugged, and your hand found its way to rest on top of your stomach; it was basically a reaction now.

"When did this happen?"

You didn't look at him. "A few months ago."

"Oh, do I know the guy?"

"Well." You nodded. "Could be the same person." You said quietly, and he quickly got the hint.

"It's, oh my gosh, really?" You couldn't read his face. You saw scared, nervous, and happy- but then it all faded into something unreadable.

You nodded slightly. "But, I know how we ended, and I can take care of myself."

"But, there is a child in you that's half mine, yes?" He asked.

You sat down at the seat he had offered your earlier. "I guess so..."

Pietro was shocked by the realization. "Was that... what you were trying to tell me the night we ended?"

"Yes." You answered quicker and more confidently than any other one.

He sat down opposite of you and put his head into his hands. "My gosh, I am an idiot."

You didn't reply or give any body movement for the matter. "Can we talk about that night?" He asked you.

Your name was called for your order, and you got up to get the drinks. "I'm going to the facility, actually, so I guess." You told him, even though it was hard to tell him, you told him.

When you two were in the car, he apologized a million times. "I was being stupid and didn't know what I was doing. I made the worst mistake by letting you go; I should have chased after you and never let you out of my sight-"

"I get it, Pietro." You took a deep breath. "I made some mistakes too."

Pietro nodded. "You should have called."

"I tried." You answered. "I had your number all pulled up in my phone; all I had to do was click the button. But I couldn't. So I made the decision to tell you after I had the child and had custody over them."

"You weren't going to tell me?"

"I couldn't figure a way to tell you." You confessed. "I also didn't think you would care. We ended so poorly; it wasn't worth it."

"Pull over," Pietro told you, and you gave him a confused look, but pulled over anyway.

He asked you to get out of the car, and he walked over to your side. He put his hands on your shoulders, and for the first time, the two of you made real eye contact. "I understand why you did not tell me; I really do. And I am very sorry for what happened that night, but I need you to know I have regretted it every day. I regret walking out before you came back, yelling at you, and deleting your number. I should have listened to you or given a call." He told you, and you couldn't find anything to say.

"I still love you," Pietro said quietly. "I never stopped." He then leaned in to kiss you, and you realized that you, too, still loved him.

You pulled him in for a hug, and it was your turn to apologize a million times.

He had a smile on his face. "I forgive you, if you forgive me," Pietro said, and you nodded. "(Y/N)," He started, "In a few months, let's have ourselves a baby."

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