Lemonade - Bruce Banner x Stark!Reader

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Words: 1126
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Stark!Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark
Warnings: none
Requested by adorable-assbutt
Summary: Bruce wants some changes in his life and decides to move, and got more changes when he started to room with you.
Author's Note: I don't write Bruce a lot, but I do love this. I love me some fluff. You are Tony's younger sibling.

California, you're my last hope.

Now that I got you wrapped up in my arms, there ain't no other place to go.



Georgia, New York, South Carolina, nothing. Bruce was trying to get out and away from the Avengers, which started with moving. He had no idea what to do or where to go; he just needed to get out.

After looking for destinations on his computer, he stumbled across the idea of California. For some reason, it was never a place he considered going. But after it came up over and over, he decided to look at what people were saying about it.

"You're still looking for a place to move?" Tony Stark walked into Bruce's lab with a soda in his hand.

Bruce flinched, scared from the new voice in the room. "Yeah, I think I found it, though," He turned around only to see Tony raise an eyebrow with a questioning look. "California."

Tony chuckled a bit. "Really? I didn't think that would have been a place for you to choose."

"It's different; maybe that's what I need," Bruce shrugged, "Plus, it's warmer there. I just need to find an apartment and a job, and I'll be set."

"Finding a job will be easy; you're good at this science stuff," Tony laughed and peered over the specific place Bruce was looking at. "Hey, you know (Y/N) lives there, right?"

"Your sibling?" Bruce asked.

Tony nodded, taking a drink from his soda. "I bet they'd let you stay with them until you get settled in. She has been complaining about how her roommate left out of nowhere, and she needs a new one," Tony smiled.

"Oh, I don't want to intrude-"

Tony smirked, "Naw, I'm sure they'd love to have you!"


"You can't stop me. I'm calling them right now," Tony yelled as he walked out of the room, a big smile present on his face. He always knew you and Bruce would get along, probably more than anyone would expect. Tony also knew that you were single, and Bruce definitely needed to be with someone. Maybe it would be you!

Tony is the older brother, and it was especially weird to see Tony setting you up with someone. He would be the one to scare away your boyfriends in high school, but now he was trying to set you up? It all seemed a little off, but you couldn't stop him. Tony is a stubborn asshole.

Bruce got on the plane to California only a few weeks later. He was ready to get out of New York, and he was excited to meet the Stark people always seemed to talk about.

Bruce sat against the window and put his calming music on, ensuring he would be okay on the flight. He looked out the window as everything was getting smaller and further away. "California, you're my last hope." He sighed.


"Bruce!" You shouted, "Where the hell did my t-shirt go?"

"Didn't you throw it by the TV at a bug last night?" Bruce yelled back, and you ran out to the living room, "And then it fell behind the TV, and you said you were too lazy to get it? And then I told you that tomorrow would come and you would not be able to find it and you-"

"Found it! Thanks!" You smiled, cutting him off from retelling the whole story.

Bruce shook his head from his room as he was getting ready. He had been living in California for three months now, and he turned out to be a better roommate than you thought he was going to be. He was supposed to leave two weeks after he arrived since he already had an apartment picked out. But once realizing that you liked having him around, you asked if he would like to stay.

As much as Tony was trying to set you and Bruce up, nothing had really happened between you guys. Sure, you had gone out together, but you are friends. You honestly weren't expecting much to come between you and Bruce.

Today you decided to go to dinner to celebrate Bruce surviving the move for three months. It was also an excuse to get out of the house and have some fun, so why not?

You complained about work, talked about the strange calls you got from your brother, and how Bruce liked California. "You know, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. But I think the fact that I have an amazing person like you with me makes it so much better," Bruce confessed.

"Are you being serious?" You asked, shocked that you were a reason Bruce liked it in California so much.

Bruce leaned forward a bit, "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

"I honestly thought you were going to be an asshole like your brother," He sighed, looking down to fiddle with his fingers, "But I'm really happy you aren't. And I know it was a joke that Tony was trying to set us up, but- uh- do you see what I'm getting at?"

You smiled, your heartwarming inside. "Bruce," You started, stood up to lean over the table, grabbed his chin lightly, and kissed him. You giggled a bit when his face went completely red, and he could barely get words out.


You woke up to a phone ringing loudly. It was dark out, and you were warm. You moved slightly in Bruce's arms to grab the phone lighting up. "Hello?"

"Is this Bruce Banner?"

You looked over to your sleeping boyfriend. "He's not able to come to the phone right now. May I take a message?"

"Yeah, this is-" You made a mental note of the random name given to you, "And we still have Mr. Banner on our list for any offers about traveling getaways. Would he like to hear about a trip special to Hawaii?" The man over the phone asked.

"One second," You stopped the man and nudged Bruce a bit, "Hey, wake up real quick."

When Bruce's eyes opened, he smiled to see your face. "Yeah?"

"This man is calling and asking if you want to hear about a trip to Hawaii-"

Bruce snatched the phone out of your hand before you could even finish your sentence. "Hey, this is Bruce Banner. I want to be taken off the call list. I'm perfectly happy where I am," Bruce smiled and hung up, wrapping his arms around you tighter.

"You don't want to travel?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Not anymore." Bruce told you, "It's been the best few months of my life, and now that I got you wrapped up in my arms, there ain't no other place to go," Bruce whispered to you and kissed the side of your head, making you smile brighter than the city lights. "You're sweet like lemonade."

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