Problem - Peter Parker x Reader

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Words: 1062
Pairing: Peter Parker x platonic!Reader
Warnings: crime-fighting
Requested by anon
Summary: You are Peter Parker's best friend, trying to set him up with Mary Jane. He can't do it, so you have to wingman him, and it becomes a bit more than either of you were expecting. 
Author's Note: This was written before SMHC came out, and the request asked for Mary Jane, so that's who I went with! :) Dialogue heavy, but I love being Peter's best friend.



"So, how was talking to Mary Jane today?" You smirked at Peter.

"Great. Because I didn't."

"Peter!" You groaned, falling back onto his small bed.

"What?" He asked, surprised.

"You two should so date." You told him.

Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm too awkward to talk to her."

"You talk to me."

"Yeah, because when we started talking was years ago, and I wasn't afraid to talk to anyone. But MJ is..."

"A girl you're interested in." You finished.

Peter groaned. "You know how I am at school. She's, like, UGH."

You laughed at him. "Calm down there, spider dude."

"She also doesn't really like Gwen, and Gwen and I sometimes talk so, I think it would be really weird." Peter tried to come up with an excuse.

"It's settled. I'm being your wingman tomorrow and getting you to talk to her." You said, and Peter opened his mouth to say something, but an alarm on his phone began to go off.

"Not again..." You groaned.

Peter smiled. "Better get out your computer." He said as he walked over to where his suit was.

You moved a bit lazily and grabbed your laptop out of your bag. You pulled up the program Peter made you and plugged your headphones in, handing him his earpiece.

"Don't die." You told him as he walked over to the window, almost fully dressed now.

You saw a small smile come from him before he pulled his mask on. "No promises."

You rolled your eyes. "I hate you." You said and heard Peter laugh.

"I hear that every day; it doesn't really phase me anymore." He said.

"Darn, guess I have to come up with a new way to insult you-"

"We have a problem." Peter interrupted you.

Then, there was a knock at the door. "Peter, (Y/N)? Dinner." Aunt May called.

"Oh, so do I." You sighed. "We'll be out soon!"

"Hurry up, or it'll get cold!" You were just glad that May didn't come into the room.

"Peter, you gotta make this quick." You mumbled.

"It's MJ," Peter whispered.

"What?" You asked, looking at your computer to see where he was- how did he get halfway across the city so quickly? He seemed to be getting better at what he does every day.

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