5AM - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 1000
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (they/them pronouns used for reader)
Featuring: Steve Rogers, others mentioned
Warnings: swearing, kinda sad tbh
Summary: Based off of 5AM by Amber Run, you and Bucky are both taking your break up hard. Being together in a room surrounded by your friends only makes things more difficult.
Requested by @wearetoxiclovers
Author's Note: A little ooc Bucky, but I'm always here for some angst.



"How are you holding up?" Steve sat down on Bucky's bed.

Bucky shrugged. "Same as every other damn day."

Steve put his arm on Bucky's shoulder. "I'm sorry. The whole team's having a movie night in the media room in a few minutes. Do you want to come?"

Bucky shrugged. "I don't know if I'm ready to actually leave my room."

"Buck, it's been two weeks. You've been in your room for two weeks, only to leave for food or the bathroom." Steve said, and Bucky looked down to fiddle with his fingers. "Can you please just try to come spend the night with us? If you don't like it, then you can come back here." Steve promised.

Bucky nodded. "Alright, I'll go. Will they be there?"

Steve shook his head. "Probably not."

And in response, Bucky nodded. He stood up and walked out of the room to where the rest of the team was to watch random movies.

When Bucky walked in, he noticed Clint and Natasha on the floor laughing, Tony and Bruce talking about their mad scientist stuff, and Vision and Wanda probably flirting. Steve sat down on the couch and let Bucky sit next to him.

There wasn't much of a "Bucky, you're alive!" It was more-so happy and welcoming, or a soft and gentle type thing.

Natasha got up to put in the first movie. "I totally forgot this was happening!" Everyone's heads turned to the voice, that was you. "Did I miss anything?"

Bucky looked away from you. He was afraid that things would go south if he looked at you.

"No, you're right on time. Find a place to sit." Tony said with a small smile.

You nodded and looked around. And to both yours and Bucky's luck, the only open seat was next to Bucky. Steve offered to switch seats, but Bucky didn't hear him, so you took the seat next to Bucky, not saying a word.

Bucky couldn't concentrate on the movie. He really tried; it just wasn't working. And when he let his mind wander, it went into his memories from a year ago all the way up to two weeks ago.

About six months ago was prime time in your and Bucky's relationship. Everything was going great, and life was good. You two were clearly in love, and everyone could see it.

It was late at night, and you two were sitting in Bucky's room with the lights out. There was a lamp on, putting a soft glow around the room. And it wasn't like anything was happening; it was just the two of you talking, and laughing, trying not to wake up everyone.

You two were talking about the recent missions that you had been on. Something needed to be found, and the Avengers knew that it was at a Hydra base. So almost every few days, the Avengers invaded a Hydra base. And you two were talking about how you almost died.

Bucky was laughing. "You really have got to be more careful!" Bucky said.

"Well, I'm fine, aren't I?" You smirked.

"You could have broken your leg from how you landed," Bucky told you. "You got lucky."

"I've learned." You smiled. Being a master assassin had its perks, but it caused you to be a little reckless. You were also pretty cocky, considering Natasha had called you a better assassin than her.

Bucky sighed and shook his head. "I wish you'd live like you're made of glass."

You smiled. "My outsides might not be, but my heart is. It's very fragile."

Bucky pulled you close to him and kissed your forehead. "I'll make sure not to break it, then."

You looked up at Bucky and pulled your phone out. "Wow, look at the time." You laughed, showing him your phone. "We've got work in the morning." You told him, it was going to be another day of raiding HYDRA. "But it's nearly 5 am."

This time, Bucky laughed. "Is this really what we envisaged?"

You smiled with a little nod. "I love you."

"I love you, too, don't let me forget it." Bucky smiled at you.

Bucky snapped back into reality. He had tears welling up in his eyes.

He stood up quickly and ran out of the room, catching everyone's attention. Steve was the one who stood up and ran out after him, but you knew it was because of him- because you were feeling the same way.

"Bucky, what's going on?" Steve asked, worried about his friend.

"You don't get it; you don't get it!" Bucky yelled, loud enough for everyone watching the movie to hear.

"What don't I get?"

"You did know what you've got until it's gone!" Bucky yelled. "You don't know who to love until you're lost!" He screamed, and you realized that he was right. "AND, you don't know how to feel until the moment's passed!"

There were a few eyes on you now. You covered your face, about to cry.


"Don't." Bucky had his eyes closed, afraid more tears would come out. "There's nothing I can do about it. Or you. It's not like I'm going to get them back."

You heard that too, and it made you stand up, walk out of the room, and go talk to Bucky.

"Buck?" You whispered, wiping a tear off your cheek.

"I'll leave you to it," Steve whispered and walked out of the room.

"(Y/N.)" Bucky said, not looking at you.

"I'm sorry." You walked closer to him, and grabbed both of his hands.

Bucky didn't say anything back to you. "I made a mistake; we shouldn't have broken up. It's clearly hurting both of us, and I- I miss you. I can't stand being without you. Bucky..."

"You know what?" Bucky asked you.


"I wish you'd live like you're made of glass." He told you, a small smile on his face. You smiled back, and he grabbed your chin lightly to bring you closer for a kiss.

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