Missed - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1149
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, others mentioned
Warnings: Death, fighting, funeral
Requested by @pastell-Niall
Summary: You and Pietro are both speedsters, and you are connected because of it. When Pietro decides to save Hawkeye and the little boy, you go with him.
Author's Note: This one is sad, but still dialogue-heavy. 



"Pietro," You sped up behind your speedster.

"You scared me!" Pietro laughed, putting his arm around you.

"We, we need to be careful. We can't lose each other...you know bad things will happen if we lose each other." You told him.

"Hey, we are going to be fine, okay, draga?"

You nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Yeah, you're probably right. But, you know how unpredictable our speed can be." You sighed.

"We're going to die together; there is no getting rid of me now." Pietro ruffled your hair.

You wiped a tear that went down your cheek.

You and Pietro had known each other from the years you spent together at HYDRA. You were part of the experiments, and somehow you managed to get super speed too. That just connected the two of you even more. But when he agreed to go with Ultron, you went against him and Wanda and found the Avengers. (Or, the Avengers found you.)

And when Pietro and Wanda switched sides, you couldn't be happier to have Pietro back. (The Avengers even thought you two were already dating when they saw how you two acted.)

You two ran around as fast as you could on the flying land. Killing robots, saving people, and getting them on the Hellicarrier, all together.

The large fight against Ultron was a lot of work, but it stalled time to get more people off flying Sokovia. It also was able to kick Ultron off, and everyone thought he was done for.

When the Avengers ran back to get to the Hellicarrier and kill off the remaining robots, you and Pietro stayed around for a few extra minutes to talk to Wanda.

"Come back for me after everyone is off, not before." She said.

Pietro smiled and shook his head at her. "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you."

She laughed. "Go."

"You're a great friend Wanda, I'll see you after the fight." You smiled.

"See you, (Y/N)," Wanda said, and you ran away with Pietro.

Most everyone was on the Hellicarrier now, and you and Pietro were just about to board when you saw Hawkeye run out to find a child. 

You and Pietro made eye contact and ran out to follow him. You were making sure the two of them were going to be okay.

That's when you and Pietro both heard gunshots. It was coming from a jet, Ultron. He was aiming right for the little boy and Hawkeye.

Pietro moved as quick as he could to whisk the two away, and you followed.

You were on the ground before Pietro was, bullets in you all over your body.

"You didn't see that coming..." Pietro muttered to Clint before falling to the ground and landing right next to you.

"Piet..." You said, weak, and grabbed his hand.

"(Y/N), I love you," Pietro told you; it was hushed, but it was true.

"I, I love you...too." You said.

Wanda screamed and fell to her knees. She had lost her best friend, and her twin brother. She had to get revenge on Ultron, and went to find him, leaving the church unattended, and a robot managed to get to it.

Steve felt horrible, as did Clint. They had just gained two new friends, and excellent fighters, only to lose them.

"They saved me," Clint muttered.

"Let's get them to the Hellicarrier," Steve said quietly. "Someone needs to find Wanda."

"I'll find her." Vision flew up and went to find her.

Clint was beating himself up all the way back to New York and all the way back to his farm. He told Laura everything that happened. They gave their son the middle name "Pietro" to honor him, but he felt that he didn't do anything for you.

Clint and Wanda were the ones who made plans for the funeral. It was a lot of hurt for Wanda, losing the two closest people to her, but it was something that the two of you deserved. A funeral was needed; you two needed a proper way to go.

Everyone was a mess at the funeral. Even though they didn't know you or Pietro too well, it was still heart-wrenching.

Wanda spoke first. "Pietro was my brother, my only family for so many years. (Y/N) was my best friend, even if we met at a bad place, we made it to a good place together." She sniffled.

"They were so loved, and I knew from the first day we met that Pietro had taken a liking to (Y/N). I did, too, but only as a friend. I just regret that I did not give my brother or my friend a proper goodbye, and it seems this is the only thing I can do." Another sniffle.

"Pietro, (Y/N), you two will never be forgotten, and I hope you two are looking down with smiles, holding each other's hands," Wanda said, quicker than intended; she was trying to stop herself from crying.

Clint spoke next; he felt he needed to, considering he kept telling himself that he was the reason you two are like this.

"I didn't know Pietro Maximoff very well, just from the snarky phrase of "You didn't see that coming?" And even if I did hate all the running and knocking me over, it was still funny. And when we were on the same team, it made me smile." Clint said, wiping his eyes so he wouldn't cry.

"I knew (Y/N) a bit longer than the twins. They joined us when they escaped from HYDRA, and we took a great liking to them as soon as we talked to them. They had a great personality, became one of my good friends. I am glad I say that I knew (Y/N), and as Wanda said, it doesn't matter where they started; they turned over a new leaf and ended up in a good place." Clint said.

"I don't know how we can ever honor them enough, especially me. I named my son after Pietro Maximoff, but I know it's not enough to thank them for saving me and keeping me with my family..." Clint couldn't finish. He ended up crying and had to sit down.

Steve talked, he said how you two would never be forgotten, and how he didn't know either of you too well, but he looks back in every moment and smiles.

Tony said almost the same thing, but he ended up crying. He really took a liking to you (and even though he didn't like Pietro too much, it still tugged at his heart), and he was really sad that he didn't get to know you better.

Everyone was sad that you and Pietro were gone. The funeral was a nice way to say goodbye, even though everyone would suffer from losing the two of you. But no one would ever forget you or Pietro.

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