Lost - Avengers & Reader

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Words: 1176
Pairing: Avengers & Reader
Featuring: Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, others mentioned
Warnings: guns, fighting, training, almost drowning
Requested by anon
Summary: Growing up with the Avengers made them very protective of you, and they get worried when a mission goes wrong.
Author's Note: You are the same age as peter parker (even though he isn't in this) and have the power to shoot balls of lights. yay. i liked this one.



"You have to be more careful," Natasha advised as she stood above you. Training with Natasha was always something, and you never were able to beat her.

"I'm trying!" You groaned out of frustration, "It's just hard with you moving as fast as Pietro."

"Don't compare me to him; he's annoying as all hell," Natasha warned, only receiving a shrug from you.

"Give 'em a break, Natasha," You heard Clint's voice enter the room, a little laugh following.

"Steve told me to work on training; that's what I'm doing!" She argued.

"But look at them," Clint gestured to you, still on the floor.

"Stop acting like such a dad," Natasha rolled her eyes.

"But, they're the youngest! I can act like a dad with the little baby!" Clint argued, holding his hand out to help you up.

"Both of you, shut up," You laughed and held your hands in front of you, balls of light hitting Clint and Natasha. You squealed in excitement, "That is the best aim I've had in a while!!"

"Were you even aiming?" Natasha laughed, brushing the remaining sparks of light off of her chest.

"Hey Clint, let's get ice cream!" You cheered, running out before answering Natasha's question.


"You do not leave my side," Tony warned a few weeks later.

"Yup, I know, I'm gonna shoot something," You smirked as you ran next to him.

"Be careful, yore still not entirely stable. I'm not sure why we let you even come!"

"Because I've learned how to fly," You shrugged and pushed your hands down beside you, boosting yourself off the ground and flying around in the air.

"Slow down!" Tony shouted, catching up to you in the suit of iron, worrying about you.

"Chill, old man," You laughed and continued flying, "It's just a few HYDRA agents. Not like you've died by them."

"Bucky almost did," Steve chimed in, "So, please, be careful," He pleaded.

You landed on the ground behind Clint, and Tony followed, "You guys do know that Peter and I are the same age, right? Why don't you treat him like this?" You groaned; it wasn't fair.

"Because he actually knows how to work his powers? And we aren't his guardians, so we can't just take him in the middle of the day to train," Tony gave you a side-eye.

"He got his powers less than a year ago! I've had mine all my life!"

Clint laughed, "Yes, and when we took you in at SHIELD, you were a small child who refused to listen to anyone. You refused to let Nat or I work with you; you liked to shoot glasses and computers and sometimes even Fury. You did not listen to anyone. I'm still surprised you listened to us at all," Clint retold the story of how you got into the Avengers and involved with SHIELD, and he wasn't wrong.

You didn't listen to anyone at SHIELD, especially when it was about your powers. No one knew how you got them; probably birth, but you never wanted to work on your abilities.

Up until about a few years ago when the Avengers were formed, and Loki brought his alien army to Earth. And now you were out on the field and feeling comfortable about it, not nervous or scared. But everyone else on the team was afraid, and you weren't quite sure why.

You brushed that thought off and continued to walk around, following Tony as he instructed. "What are we even supposed to be doing?"


"Then why are we just walking? It would be so much easier if we flew up and in from the top. We could get in like that!" You tried to give a plan, but Tony groaned.

"There's a reason why we didn't do that," Tony told you and continued walking, "Then we wouldn't have the element of surprise."

"Do we ever?" Natasha's voice came through the comms as you heard gunfire.

"Come on, perfect time for this!" You shouted and flew up into the sky, the trail of light following you.

Tony barely had any time to react, and you were too far away to catch up to. The rush of the fight was all over your head, and you were unable to hear all the cries for you to come back down and watch out. You had a slight smile on your face as you shot the HYDRA enemies with your balls of light, blinding and knocking out some as you flew over the base.

What you didn't see was an agent grab a powerful gun and aim it at you. Once you did see it, it was too late, and you were already shot, and after being launched back a hundred feet, you began to fall backward out of the air.

Tony shouted your name at the top of his lungs and boosted his jets as fast as he could to follow your falling body. But he was too late, and by the time your body fell in the deep pond of water, he was too late. Your body propelled to the bottom of the pond like there was a weight attached to it, and you were already passed out. Tony's suit managed to short circuit by the time he got close enough, and it was unsafe to go in the water; if the suit sparked again, it could hurt you.

He got out of his suit as fast as he could and dove into the water, but he couldn't hold his breath for long enough to get to the bottom of the pond. He was freaking out; he didn't know what he would do without you.

"I can do it!" Steve shouted and didn't take a second thought before jumping into the water and swimming to you. It took him a minute, but he was able to get to you and back up just quick enough before anything harming happened; at least they'd hoped.


You slept for hours at the base. Banner and Tony worked hard running tests to make sure you were okay. Luckily, it seemed everything on the inside was doing just fine, but that didn't ease many nerves.

You gasped, coughed, and your eyes shot open only minutes after the last test ended.

Bruce yelled your name when he saw you awake, "You're here!"

"Did I hear them?" Steve rushed into the room, followed by Thor, Clint, and Natasha.

Tony sat on the end of your bed, "I'm so glad you're okay," He smiled, "You are okay, right?"

You reached over and patted Tony's shoulder, "Yes, I am okay, don't worry. You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I thought we'd lost you," Tony hugged you. It wasn't often that his soft side came out, but when it did, it made you smile, especially when he gave you hugs.

"I think we better work more on your training before you come back out with us," Natasha chuckled.

"You think?" You smirked and looked around at all the smiling faces.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat