Experiment - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1283
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Warnings: none
Requested by anon
Summary: After the battle of Sokovia, Pietro was able to be saved. Now you, Tony, and Bruce are working on a project to save lives. You're determined you can't stand Pietro, but Tony is here to play matchmaker.
Author's Note: i love dialogue and i love matchmaker tony



"What are you doing in here?" You whisper-yelled at the white-haired boy who was in your lab. "Who said you could touch that? Put it back!" You told him.

Pietro turned around quickly, with a scared expression on his face. "Sorry." He told you.

"Why are you in my lab? Get out!" You told him, you never cared for that boy.

"FRIDAY, did he mess anything up?" You asked, irritated.

"No, (Y/N), I could not figure out what he was doing." The AI told you.

"Probably messing around. That's all he seems to do." You groaned.

"Do you realize it is three am?" FRIDAY asked.

"Yeah, can't sleep." You shrugged, not even feeling tired at all.

"Would you like me to awaken Mr. Stark and help you get to sleep?"

"Nah, I'm not tired. All I can think about is finishing the project." You said. You, Tony, and Bruce had really wanted to work on a way to heal people or even save lives. After what happened in Sokovia with Pietro, he was lucky that there was a way to bring him back. You don't like him whatsoever, but it was an eye-opener. There weren't always going to be easy ways to save people, so you told Bruce and Tony of your idea. And it's all you have been working on for months.

"Things like this take time." You groaned when you heard the familiar voice.

"Yes, thanks, Tony. But it's been months. Someone is going to get hurt, and it won't be ready, and we won't be able to save them. I need to get this finished." You turned around.

"You haven't been sleeping lately. If you go get some sleep, I promise we will get this done soon."

You cocked an eyebrow. "FRIDAY, I told you not to tell Tony!"

"He asked; I am sorry," FRIDAY responded.

"You've been staying up so late thinking about this project. What is going on?" Tony asked you.

You quickly answered. "Nothing. I'll go to bed."

You couldn't fall asleep, but Tony didn't know that. The next morning, he sent Pietro to wake you up, and Pietro was kind of scared to go talk to you.

He knocked on your door and opened it after a second.

"Tony says you need to wake up." Pietro Asus.

"Tony isn't my fricking dad."

"It is almost two in the afternoon."

"I don't really care." You said, and then you realized who you were talking to.

"Okay, I'll leave you-"

"Wait." You sat up, and Pietro was looking right at you. "What were you doing in the lab last night? You never answered me."

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