Building - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 1103
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Featuring: Barton Family, Steve Rogers
Warnings: Talk of fighting, talk of guns, pregnant reader
Requested by @sexymackstan
"You're a civilian and you're married to Bucky, you know all of Bucky's past and you knew what he had went through. You were building a life together and a new house next to Clint and Laura's house, you and Bucky had been close with them over the past 5 months ever since Clint saved his life, you were forever in debt to him. You just given birth to your baby girl, she has him wrapped around her fingers every moment of the day... when you find Jamie (your baby girl) fast asleep in Bucky's arms."
Summary: You and Bucky have been married for a while, and you still worry about his work. He decides the best thing is to retire from the life and live with you and your daughter on a farm near the Barton's, but what happens when an unexpected call comes in?

Author's Note: I kind of changed a little bit of the prompt but for the most part I think it's followed pretty well.. :D



"What do you mean he's not responding!" You yelled to Steve.

"He's not answering me. Anyone got eyes on Bucky?" He asked through the comms. You were at the facility while your husband was on a mission with his team.

"He's down." Clint's voice rang through. At first, you were planning on working on getting ready to build your new life. But then, Bucky was called on an emergency mission, and the best thing you could do was sit there and listen.

"Do you see him?" Steve asked.

"He's surrounded at gunpoint," Clint reported, and you cringed, scared for his life.

Clint yelled a few things, and there was a lot of noise; you couldn't make out anything.

"What was that?" Steve yelled.

"I got him. We need to get back to the jet; he's hurt pretty bad." Clint said.

"Wanda, you see them?" Cap asked.

"Going there now." She said.

"Great, can you put a force field around them until you're back to the jet?" He said.

"It was my plan."

"Clint?" Bucky's voice came through, very soft.

"Barnes, you good? Don't worry; we're going to take you back to the jet." Clint said to him.

"Thank you for saving me," Bucky said.


You walked over the grass to find Lila and Cooper outside, splashing Nathaniel with water.

"Hey, guys!" You said to them.

They all said hello to you and asked if you wanted to play.

"Maybe later, guys. Your dad home?" You asked them.

"Yeah, he's inside breaking the sunroom. Still." Cooper answered.

"Of course he is." You smiled.

"Is Bucky home?" Lila asked. She loves Bucky.

"Yeah, he's watching Jamie." You said about your two-month-old.

"Does he need help?" She asked.

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