Toothbrush - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1007
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: Implied smut, mentions drinking
Requested by anon
Summary: Loosely based on Toothbrush by DNCE, you and Pietro don't get along, but one night you two give it a chance.
Author's Note:  This one is a little ooc for me to write but it's coated in enemies to lovers so it works.



"Hey Maximoff, what do you think you're doing?" You asked Pietro as you noticed him about to go into your room.

"Oh, I was just looking for a sweatshirt that went missing, (L/N). This is the only room I have not checked." He said and opened the door.

"I didn't take your stupid sweatshirt, Maximoff!"

"Then you should have nothing to hide," Pietro said as he walked into your bedroom, "Or do you, (L/N)?"

"Only thing I have to hide is Tony's browser history." You smirked.

Tony rolled his eyes from the other side of the room. "Tell me you see it too." He groaned and looked over at Steve.

"Oh, I definitely see it." Steve mumbled back to Tony, "Those kids should just get together already."

"Maximoff!" Your yelling was heard from the room, and Tony laughed.

"Wonder what happened," Tony added.

"Give it back!" You yelled.

"He took something," Tony answered his own question.

"Wanda," Steve called when he saw her walk by, "Will you go break it up?"

"If I walk in on them-"

"Your brother stole something," Steve cut her off. "Please?"

Wanda nodded and walked into the bedroom. "Both of you, calm down!" She yelled, catching your attention. "Pietro, your sweatshirt is in the wash, you stained it when trying to cook. Now give (Y/N) back what you took." Wanda said, and the Maximoff boy handed you your phone after rolling his eyes.

"Great, conflict resolved," Tony said from the doorway. "Stop acting like children and get ready."

"For...what?" You asked.

"We're going out." Tony said, "So hurry up." He nodded once and walked out of the room, leaving you with the Maximoff twins.

"Pietro, come on, let's go. Sorry again, (Y/N)." Wanda apologized as she yanked her brother out of the room.

You shrugged, "Bye, Wanda," You smiled at her alone, as everyone headed out.


You sat at the back of the bar, away from everyone else who was partying. You weren't feeling it, and scrolling through your phone while laughing at a few of your teammates was pretty entertaining too.

You had a drink that you sipped on every so often, but it wasn't anywhere near getting you drunk (unlike some of the others...).  You recorded a few videos for blackmail you will probably need someday, but mainly just sat on your phone the whole time.

A breeze came over you quickly, and you shook from the sudden cold air. You turned your head to be met with Pietro's cocky smile. "What the hell, Maximoff?"

"Hey, (Y/N)." Pietro was very close to you now, and he looked still sober- why was he acting weird?

"Since when do you call me by my first name?" You looked shocked.

Pietro shrugged, with a smirk, "I don't know. Since I decided that everyone else here is too out of it to notice if we start talking."

"What do you want?" You asked, annoyed.

You noticed Tony walk up to you before Pietro could say anything. "Hey, we're all going to head to a dance club. You want to join?"

"No thanks," You said, "I think I'm just going to head back to the facility." You said and stood up.

"Suit yourself," Tony smiled and turned away.

You started to walk away, but before you knew it, you were in the common room. "What? Maximoff, what did you do?"

"Thought I'd spare you the cab ride." He shrugged.

"What do you really want?"

"Let me ask you a question," He started, "Have you noticed the tension between us?"

"What?" You had your arms crossed. "The tension of you pissing me off, Maximoff?"

Pietro gave you the 'I know you know what I'm talking about' look. You sighed and set your phone on the table nearby.

"Whatever." You mumbled, walked up to Pietro, and kissed him. He quickly reacted and deepened the kiss, and started to guide you to the bedroom. You released yourself from the kiss for a second.

"No feelings." You whispered.


You woke up to snoring. You couldn't see anything, as the windows were closed with blackout curtains. You realized that your top half was uncovered, so you reached onto the floor to find something to wear. You couldn't tell what you had picked up, but it was a shirt, and you threw it on quickly.

The realization came over you when you realized who you had been sleeping next to and what you had done the night prior. Maybe he would forget about it if you snuck out and not have another thing to tease you about.

You grabbed your phone off of the floor, and you had no idea how it had made its way in the room when you were sure you left it outside.  You scrolled through all the 'where are you' messages you received from most of the team. They soon ended with 'oh, you're with the Maximoff boy.'

You didn't know what to do, so you opened the door slightly but stopped once you heard a chuckle come from Pietro.

"You're standing there in your underwear and my t-shirt from the night before." He said in a low, tired voice, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You're...awake," You sighed.

He nodded, "Hey, would you mind closing the bedroom door?"

"Pietro, I should go." You said under your breath.

"No, no, it's okay," Pietro tried to calm you down, "It's an off day, remember?"

"Not what I meant." You mumbled.

"Come on; maybe you don't have to rush..." Pietro smiled and patted the bed next to you.


You noticed a slight smirk on his face, "You can leave your toothbrush at my place."

"Pietro," You sighed, "We share a bathroom."

His smile faded a bit, "Oh, right. But, you still don't have to leave."

You shook your head lightly and walked over to sit on the bed. "Pietro, I thought we said no feelings..." You groaned when he pulled you to lie down next to him.

"There are always feelings."

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