Defending - Loki x Reader (3/3)

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Words: 1319
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Featuring: Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: kidnaping, kinda sad, pregnancy mentioned
Requested by @heavenlytheshield
"Third part to Loki: you were found unharmed by hydras number 1 thug, with the help of Clint and Natasha , you had been safe. Loki had swooped in and he owed them a huge debt. Once back at home, you explained to Loki that you were pregnant with his child. Afraid to tell him, he ended up crying. Never knowing what love was until now."
Summary: To find you, Loki, Natasha, and Clint conduct their search on Asgard. He is determined to get you back and will not stop looking. Finally, some good news shows up.
Authors Note: ok so I love writing Loki. Also. There might be a Hamilton reference in here. No regrets.



"How is the search going?" Loki walked into the research room where Natasha and Clint were working.

"We've narrowed it down," Natasha answered.

"What are some ideas?" Loki asked, finding hope again. You had been missing for almost two weeks now, and it had only been a few days of searching.

"Not anywhere in Asgard," Clint answered. "Most likely Earth; that's one place they don't think you'd look, considering the two of you live here, and you're so important here," Clint said.

"Do we have any idea who the evil is?" Loki couldn't stop asking questions. And Natasha and Clint knew that, they could see the love he had for you, which was nice. Seeing Loki so worried about you showed just how much he loves and cares for you, instead of evil. So they didn't argue all the questions; they just wanted to find you.

"Loki? Brother?" Thor's voice was heard booming down the hallway.

"Research," Loki said, just loud enough for Thor to hear.

"There was a letter for you." Thor walked into the room, surprised that his Midgardian friends were there. "How did I not know of this?"

"We've all been working around the clock to find (Y/N); we have to find them." Natasha looked up from her work for one second. "We've barely left this room."

"I see, but you're here?" Thor asked.

"It was easier to conduct a search in Asgard, especially since you have someone who can see into other realms." Clint shrugged.

"Did you not ask Heimdall to look for (Y/N)?" Thor's questions were annoying Natasha and Clint.

"Yeah, somehow this evil is able to do something to make it seem like they're everywhere and nowhere at once. It messes with him, so we had to take another route." Natasha told Thor.

"Oh," Thor sighed.

Loki turned to Thor. "I had a letter?"

"Yes, someone demanded that it must get to you immediately." Thor handed Loki the envelope.

You have a lovely love. The note read, typed. We are surprised you have not done anything to get them back yet. You will be in for a surprise if you find them. You have three days.

And then it ended. Loki's jaw dropped, and his other hand was up on his mouth.

"We will not rest until we find (Y/N)!" Loki yelled. "They might hurt my love!"

Natasha took the letter and read the note. "Clint, we better hurry." She said, and they got back to work.

"What can I do?" Thor asked Loki.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt