Cross (1/6) - Avengers x Reader x Justice League

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Words: 1203
Pairing: Avengers x (f)Reader
Featuring: DC characters
Warnings: ooc characters, but that's normal for me tbh
Summary: You are an Avenger, still learning your powers and are a bit unstable. One day, while practicing with Tony and Steve, you cause a blast to go off and some strange people in weird costumes are in the yard of the Facility. Who are they, and what is a Justice League?
Author's Note: I had this idea a while ago and wrote a few parts for it but never got around to finishing it but now I have a chance to do everything is hype. Also, I used the reader as she/her pronouns for this series!



"This is worthless." You groaned as you fell back onto the floor.

"Come on, kid, get up." Steve urged you.

"But nothing is working." You complained.

"I can feel that we're getting close to something. Plus, you're still too unstable; we need to keep working." Tony told you.

You wanted to continue whining, but it would be easier to follow what Steve and Tony were asking. "Alright, take out the targets," Steve instructed.

You sighed and started to shoot the targets, but on the last one, a larger shot came out of your hand and caused the three of you to fall to the ground.

"(Y/N)'s waking up." Was the next thing you heard, but your eyes were still shut.

Your head was pounding, and your whole body hurt like hell. "What's...what's going on?" You asked, holding the side of your head.

"A new power emerged," Tony told you as he held an ice pack up to his head.

"What did it do?" You asked, trying to sit up.

"We aren't really sure," Steve said. "You shot that target, and all three of us were knocked out. A few others said that they felt the facility move, though."

"Oh, I'm sorry." You apologized.

"This is what I mean by unstable," Tony told you. "You haven't fully found your powers."

"I don't understand how, I'm the same age as Wanda and Pietro?" You said, phrasing it like a question.

"Well, you were born with yours, not given. So they chose to come out at a random time. Yours came later in life." Steve said.

"Right." You sighed.

"Guys," Clint came running into the room. "We have another problem."

"What now?" Tony's head snapped over to where Clint was.

"A bunch of people in random costumes are on the field. Not agents." Clint said.

"You sure it's not agents?" Steve asked.

"Positive. I asked around a bit to see if anyone knew who it was; all the answers were no. But, they're also not moving." Clint said.

Tony sighed. "(Y/N), Steve, Clint, let's go."

You followed the others out to the field. You weren't really sure why Tony chose you, but maybe it was because he wanted to keep an eye on you; you didn't really care.

When you arrived on the scene, you saw maybe ten people all lying over each other.

"Are they still alive..?" You whispered.

"FRIDAY, detect anything?" Tony asked.

"All heartbeats are there. They are just unconscious." The AI replied.

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