Hurt - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 1066
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Featuring: Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: Needles, stitches, pain
Requested by anon
Summary: Team Cap is on a mission, and Bucky gets hurt in the field. When Steve brings him to you to fix him up, you realize you have to use needles; and Bucky has told you he's terrified of them.
Author's Note: I thought this was fun to write! anything wrong about giving stitches or stuff, don't think too much about it :)



"We're on our way back." Steve rang through on the radio.

"Already?" You asked.

"Yeah, Bucky got hit a few's an emergency. You ready to take care of him?" Steve sighed.

"Oh gosh, is it going to involve needles?" You asked hesitantly.

Steve sighed, and you heard a groan in the back. "Most likely. He's hit really badly, right in his abdomen."

"I'll have my lab ready. Bring him in as soon as you get here." You said and turned off your earpiece.

You started to set things up, but a million thoughts seemed to start running through your mind.

Bucky Barnes is your best friend, and you hated the fact that he always seemed to get hurt. But usually, it was nothing a little ice and a wrap couldn't fix. And lucky you, today Bucky was hurt even worse.

Bucky hates needles more than anything. It was something that seemed to follow him for what seemed like, forever. It wasn't just because of what he went through with HYDRA; it was something he truly hated.

You wished you didn't have to do this to Bucky, but you also didn't want to risk the chance of losing him to something that you could have prevented.

One of the cons of being on team Cap is that you didn't have any of Tony's advanced medical tech. Luckily though, you were pretty good at what you do. The only thing that hurt the thought even more is that Bucky would have to be awake for the whole thing.

A few minutes after you were ready, the door to your lab opened with Steve carrying Bucky into your lab with Wanda holding a force field around the two, making sure there wouldn't be any more last-minute injuries.

Bucky held his hand where he was hit while groaning in pain. When he was sat on the table, and the two left you to do your thing, you moved Bucky's hand out of the way to get a look at what you were working with.

"Buck, how do you keep getting yourself into these situations?" You smiled at him, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Somehow, it just keeps happening." He replied. You looked down at your hands where you were fiddling with your fingers. "Okay, tell me the bad news."

You sighed. "I'm going to have to stitch you up...with needles."

Bucky's face went to straight horror. As soon as he heard needle, his eyes went big, he frowned, and his hand went back down to the cut.

"Look at me," You said to him, and his scared eyes looked right at you. "You're going to be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, come on, don't you trust me?" You winked with a small smile.

Bucky smiled lightly too. "Yes, of course, I trust you."

"Then I promise you, I'll try to be quick, and I'll try not to hurt too much. But, it is stitches." You grabbed his hand.

Bucky nodded at you and smiled. "Can we get this over with?"

You nodded and moved over to your station to begin work. You looked at the cut and started to work on making sure it wasn't infected, or it won't get to that.

Bucky flinched every time you touched it, and you felt horrible about it. If you could, you would stop, but you didn't want to risk him dying.

After a little while, you had to start stitching up the wound on his abdomen.

Stitching him up was more complicated than you thought. Physically, you were fine with it, nothing new. But mentally, it really hurt. You cared about Bucky; it hurt seeing him like this.

Bucky grabbed your arm as he was trying to keep his breathing steady, and he didn't want to scream out. He didn't want to potentially scare you and mess anything up.

"I feel like I'm going to die," Bucky whispered out.

"You're going to be fine, I promise." You told him, continuing your work. Bucky had a few tears going down his cheeks, and you could really see the pain in him.

"Bucky, if you need to talk about something to get your mind off everything else, go for it." You said. "Talk about the mission, if you want."

Bucky quickly accepted your offer. "We went to the base we found, right? And Wanda had flown Steve into a window while a jet was flying after him. What we didn't know was that some of the people who had known me when they first turned me into The Winter Solider were there. We found out that they had planned all of this. They made it easy for us to find the base because they knew we would go for it, but it was all so they could get me back at a HYDRA base to try and control me again." Bucky talked quickly. "They said that if I didn't go with them, they'd kill everyone I care about. And somehow, they figured out that I have a huuuge crush on you, and they were going to send agents here to kill you if I didn't agree to their ways." He continued talking. Your eyes went big when you heard the crush part, but he didn't stop talking.

"So I ran at the guy in charge, and someone shot me to stop me, and they told someone in a jet to head to kill you. Luckily, Wanda and Scott had gotten to the jet to get rid of the pilot while Steve and Clint killed off the others standing around." Bucky told you.

"You're all done." You smiled at him.

"Wait." He said, realizing what he had told you.


"I just told you how I felt... Look, I'm sorry it had to come out like this." He sighed.

"Bucky, it's alright." You smiled. "You were trying to protect me! You're so sweet."

"Are you weirded out?" He whispered as you wrapped his side.

"Not at all; you're so oblivious Steve could even tell you that I feel the same way about you." You smiled at him, finishing wrapping him.

Bucky's smile grew huge, and it seemed he couldn't form any words.

"Well, Bucky, do you want to go join the rest of the team who are watching a movie?"

He nodded and was even happier when he was sitting next to you.

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