Little One - Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader

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Words: 1879
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Thor, Vision

Warnings: Fighting
Summary: Being the youngest on the Avengers meant they felt protective over you. When two new recruits show up to the compound, they know their attempts to keep you hidden will fail. Still, they're going to try.
Requested by anon.
"Could you write one where the reader is the youngest of the avengers, so they treat the reader like their baby sibling. They get especially protective when Pietro pops up and starts showing interest in the reader ??"
Author's Note: I really love this request, just, it'd be so cool. Honestly though, just protective Tony and Thor, I love it. Also no Peter/Spider-Man does not exist here lol.



You were sitting on your bed reading your favorite book, minding your own business. Nothing was really going on that involved your help. You're sure that there was probably some meeting going on in the facility; you just weren't needed. So you had time to yourself like you do every day.

Sometimes you don't get told when part of the team is going on a mission. They don't want you to go out in fear that you'll be hurt. Which you always reply with "Have you even seen my abilities?" And you usually get the reply of "You've barely even grown into them!"

One of the biggest cons of being the youngest- at merely almost twenty years old.

From time to time, being the youngest of the Avengers, at nineteen, really rocked. You got what you wanted and were able to do whatever the hell you felt like. You were treated like the little sibling everyone loved, and it was hard to get mad at you, even if you did cause trouble from time to time. But sometimes, it sucked. You'd be called the 'little one' even though you were turning twenty in less than a month. But no matter how old you are, you'll always be the youngest of the group.

You were brought out of your daydreams when you heard someone outside of your room. "What is in there?" was heard. What a weird accent.

From eavesdropping on Steve, you knew that some new recruits would be coming to the facility soon. So you suspected that that was who was outside.

"It's not important. Stay away from that room, Speedy." You heard Tony's voice. It's been a while since you messed with Tony; maybe it was time to troll again.

You walked to your door and readied yourself. You opened the door, face to face with Tony. "BOO!" You yelled, and teleported away.

"What was that?" The same accent asked.

You heard Tony groan. "Come on, little one, please don't mess with me today."

You teleported back to being face to face with Tony with a big smile on your face. You put your hands up to your chin and claimed to be an angel. "What's wrong, Tony?" You asked.

He rolled his eyes and didn't reply to you. You turned to see two young people looking at you. "Wow, how rude are you, Tony? Introduce me!"

Tony groaned again. "The girl is Wanda Maximoff. The boy is Pietro Maximoff. They're joining us, and I, lucky ol' me, got the chance to show them around." Tony explained.

"What, Mister Stark, you do not like us?" Pietro smiled.

"Wanda's cool; you, on the other hand, are going to get annoying, real quick," Tony said. "Twins, this is Y/N, the youngest of us all," Tony told them.

"It is nice to meet you." Wanda smiled.

"You too!" You said.

Pietro smiled at you. "You're very, beautiful." He said, and grabbed your hand. But that ended very quickly, when Tony separated them.

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