Chapter 21

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The cove was huge. There were only few ladies in there. The place was all covered with men. I could feel Ray's eyes on my every move and not only him, a lot of the guys. The girls in the room were half naked and were standing with some boys. Others were drinking alcohol. They just looked at me and smirked. I stood there uncomfortable, unsure of my next steps. This place is so not good.

Gwen on the other hand started asking of a guy named Ace. I looked at the dresses other girls were wearing and I knew I didn't belong here. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. Gwen took off her over all exposing what was underneath it. She was wearing a black short shiny outfit which exposed her back. My gaze now fell on her heels. They were as long as a pole. She was a sight. My eyes widened in wonder. She didn't want me to see her outfit because she knew I would never go to a place where the outfit was like that of prostitutes.

Feeling a rough hand holding me, I swallowed a scream when I realized it was Ray. Relief flooded me. He dragged me along with him into an empty room. Locking the door behind me, he shouted, "what is wrong with you? Why are you here?"

What? Is he the one to decide for me what to do or what? "Why are you angry and why are you shouting at me? Kelvin doesn't even shout at me. You being here to protect me doesn't give you the right to shout at me like that." He looked at me as if, if he has gotten any chance, he was going to send me back into my house, send me to my room and tie me to my bed never to come out again. As if I didn't know what I was doing.

"Kelvin will definitely shout on you if I tell him you are here. Do you have any idea what you have gotten yourself into? This not just a place for an innocent girl like you. Just look at you. You are too good to be here. You don't deserve to be here." He shouted. I was about to give him the naughtiest reply of his life when a knock sounded at the door. "Taken." He shouted and seconds later of the person cursing together with a girl, there was no noise at the door.

"Stick with me if you don't want to get into the trouble you've never dreamt of. Especially with Ace." The way he said the thing made me instantly regret my decision of coming here. He rubbed his hands in my hair making it look all messed up. Then he held my arm and we got out of the room.

Gwen was taking a drink with a guy when we came out. She suspiciously eyed me then smiled. "I pray Ace picks any other girl apart from you or else I will be a dead man." Why was he saying that. Not that Kelvin will kill him. And why was he saying Ace could pick any other girl except me? Is the Ace guy some kind of Jerk or he plays with girls just for fun?

With my trembling voice, I asked, "Why do you say that?" tightening my jacket on me. Why did I even come here. I made the decision of going home but on second thought, I don't quiet know the places to pass and moreover, I don't want to get involved in any bad guy issues. But here I stood. Not knowing what was going to happen. This place won't be any better. I assured myself.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly, I heard Ray's voice. "That's why." Immediately, everyone stopped talking and kept their eyes glued to my left. I looked at the person everyone was looking at. He has this jet black hair which he held at his back. A pierced nose and ear, big gray eyes and a huge tattoo on his slender neck. That must be Ace, I whispered to myself. So bad looking.

Oh No! I don't get involved in these kind of things. Why didn't I even ask Gwen about this place before following her? This should actually teach me a huge lesson and I'm not going to get angry with Kelvin and Mom if any of them scold me. I totally deserve it and I even want them to start scolding me now.

The Ace guy's eyes roamed around the room as if he was searching for someone until they landed on me. He gave me a one sided smile then started taking huge steps towards my direction. Taking two steps back, I tried to hide behind Ray. Everyone giggled but I didn't even find that funny.

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