Chapter 35

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Angelina was still sitting on the chair Louis placed her. Her heads hanged low and her body was shaking. Her torn clothes barely covered her so it was obvious she was feeling cold. Immediately she saw me, she started whimpering as if I was her saviour. Her eyes held tears as she kept blinking away the tears and glued them on me. Her lips quivered several times as she roamed her eyes all over me trying so hard to believe I was actually there to save her.

I rushed over to her and tried to untie her hands but they were cable ties. It was impossible to loosen them. Her wrists were red from how hard she was tied and and hands shook as I was trying so hard to calm her racing nerves. I placed her in this mess in the first place. I can't loosen it and there was no sharp object here to cut it either. Before I could turn my back, Angelina shook her head to warn me of something but it was too late. I felt it on my head. A loud bang and just like that, I became numb and feel into darkness.


I felt liquid on my face. And then I felt a splash again, on my face. I tried to react to it but all I felt was a shark throbbing of my head. My eyes eventually opened a bit but all I saw was a blurry figure in front of me. "Wake up Kelvin. Nap time is over." It took me seconds to take everything in and come back right into my senses. Water was dripping out of my head and onto my face. He poured water on me. How dare he?

When I brought my hand to wipe it was when I realised they were tied. My feet were tied and I was bound to a chair near Angelina. What nonsense. "Louis, let me go." I said to him. He opened his arms and said, "I ain't holding you. You are free to go." How I'm I supposed to go when I'm all tied up?

"Louis, set us free so we could go. What you are doing is a punishable offence." I said to him trying to get his attention. But the fact is that he wasn't even bothered. In fact, he pulled a chair in front of me and sat on it. Then he crossed his arms over his chest and kept staring at me, leaning back.

"You know, what you did is equally punishable. You left someone that loves you to bits for someone else. The annoying part is that she isn't even giving me the chance to get into her heart. She dislikes me and whenever I appear in front of her, she looks unhappy and disgusted. Why? Because she still loves you. You called me a heartless and inhuman creature while you are one. What came over you? You caused her pain. You caused the person I love pain."

It wasn't great hearing him talk like that even though I knew it wasn't true. It stings in my heart and all I wanted to do was to shout at him to stop whatever he was saying and that I can never cause pain to Gianna. I would hate myself for it but I can't. If I do that, it will give him the more reason to kill me. Anyway, there is no point in thinking about this right now. He wants to kill me and he won't change his mind.

"Why did you do that? I'm so angry with you because I thought you loved her but who was I kidding? Instead you cheated on her with this woman. Gianna is the best thing that could ever happen to me but you got her and you choose to hurt her. She would have been better off without you but she choose you over me. She choose to love you over my love for her." He charged forward to me, held my shirt and stared with hatred into my eyes.

"Why did you do that?" He shouted, his mouth smelling of alcohol. It wasn't true but it was killing be inside. The hatred in his voice. "What if I say I never broke up with Gianna?" I asked him. He stared emotionlessly into my eyes then jerked back and gave out a dry laugh. "What do you mean? How is that possible?"

"I just asked a question that's all." Louis stared down at me and said, "I hate that she loves you and I wanted to get rid of you even when I got out of prison. But I hated you even more when I knew you broke her heart. At first I loved it because I thought I could help her get her mind off you but I couldn't. All she ever talked about was you. I just hate you for everything. She loves you and not me and every time I try to get close to her, the more she hates me but talks good about you. I just hate you so badly and I want to cause pain to you. I just want you to feel the pain I'm feeling and I assure you, it is more that death."

I felt bad for him. It's not my fault Gianna loves me and not him. I equally love her to. "Louis, you don't love Gianna. You are just obsessed with her. You want her no matter what and you don't care about the people you are hurting. That's not how it works Louis. Gianna was my girlfriend when you first came to school. You knew that very well but yet, you wanted her. There were tons of girls out there willing to give you their love but you never gave them the chance. You were so obsessed with Gianna you didn't see the love around you. You were busy fighting me for Gianna when you knew very well she will never be yours."

Louis was looking at me like an enraged bull. It was the truth I was telling him but he didn't want to accept it. The truth always hurts for sure. He is stuck up in his own expectations that he refused to face reality. "Shut up Kelvin. Don't pretend you are some kind of angel when you are a devil yourself. Gianna is no longer your girlfriend and after getting rid of you, she will have no choice than to be mine. She is still hoping you would come for her. Your death will make her love for you disappear in no time."

He thought so? What he didn't know was that my death will make Gianna hate him more. Before I could even explain further, the huge man from before walked up to Louis and whispered something to him. Louis had a death glare on me. He shined his eyes with rage Angelina whimpered beside me. Louis was indeed scary. He took ginormous steps to me and said, "you think you could fool me? You had me in a conversation just to distract me from
knowing you've got backups?" I even forgot about them.

In just some few seconds, John came running into the room with three huge guys. The boy was scared he looked as if he was going to die out of panic attack. "Boss everyone has been chloroformed and tied up with cable ties that is impossible to remove. The police, military and reporters are all here." Louis looked through the opened windows and shouted, "Kelvin you made a fool out of me." He shot into the air three times straight.

"The next bullet is going straight inside you and your girlfriend's skull." He said knocking things off here and there. The moment he pointed a gun at me, military men walked in on us. "Drop your gun Mr. Wilson and surrender now." One man shouted. I could see Louis's hand trembling but it only lasted for some few seconds. "Never." He shouted and before I knew it, I felt it twice on my chest. I could hear two more shots from the military and before me, Louis fell with blood oozing out of his legs.

I told them not to kill him. I don't want to be the cause of someone losing his life. I value life more than anything and I knew Louis was going to heal. I looked at my chest. It wasn't bleeding and the pain I thought I felt was gone. I was fine. I opened my button and then I remembered I was forced to wear bulletproof vest under my shirt. Oh my God. I thought I would die. Haha, funny me. The cable ties were cut off and Ms Angelina rushed towards me. I thought he was going to give me a hug but boy was I wrong. He went crushing into Levi who held her tight and showered her with kisses on her head and face.

Wow, you're welcome. Louis was sent into an ambulance and his men were all arrested. They had more that enough proof to send Louis straight to jail. I got checked as well because my head hurt like crazy. Angelina was equally checked and I was glad nothing happened to her. John thanked me and he was sent straight to his mother in New York. Finally he was meeting his mother after all these years. Being with the family that loves you is the most important thing and right now I knew who I wanted to make a family with and together our family will always be there for us.

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