Chapter 33

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I could feel my pulse thrumming in my ears as I blinked and blinked again, hoping that maybe I could some how get the image before me from my eyes. This must be a dream. Maybe I was dreaming. I pinched myself to make sure I was standing here and that every single thing happening was real. He stared at me, his gaze piercing through me. I just remembered the time he tried to kill Kelvin. Why would they let an attempted murderer out of prison? I'm sure he has done worse than that.

"Hello Gianna." His lips turned up into a sly grin. His voice is deeper and heavier than it used to be. His eyes were glued to me, watching me with an emotion I hated especially from him. My stomach clenched as he took ginormous steps towards me. "Lo... Lo...Louis, how are you here? You... you can't - be here." He held his head high and said, "happy to see me?"

What? Of course not. Before I could do anything, he held my hand, brought it to his lips as if he was a knight in shining armour. He kissed it and wow, I wish I could use that same hand to slap him. Then he knelt on one knee like the gentleman he was presenting himself to be and brought out a diamond ring. Seriously? Honestly, I was angry and scared at this moment.

Cassie gave out a smirk and I could see the horror on Lia's face. She has finally met the one who tried to kill her brother. Before Louis could say anything, I find myself shaking my head without thought. Well what was even there to think about? I turned around and started walking towards the door but his heavy footsteps fill the space behind me and I immediately assured myself that he wasn't going to let me go.

He grabbed me by my arm, his finger tightly wrapped around it and I'm sure it was going to leave bruises. This doesn't surprise me. I forcefully removed my arm from his hold and gave him a dead glare. He wasn't even affected by the fact that he held my arm enough to leave a bruise. What a heartless being.

"What do you want Louis?" I asked putting on my fakest smile. He might back off after this. "You know what I want." He simply said shoving his hands in his pocket as if he had won already. "No. I asked you a question. What do you want from me? Tell me. Hurt me? Make me yours? What?" I raised my voice at him, with full hatred staring at him. I've never been more angrier in my life. The sight of him makes me so angry. If he knew how much I hated him, he probably won't even show his face again.

"You said it yourself. I'm here to make you mine." I rolled my eyes at him. This doesn't surprise me. What surprised me was he had the audacity to say that? Doesn't he have shame or something? He held his head high, arrogant and confident oozing from him.

"I'm engaged Louis. Don't you dare talk to me. Don't stand in front of me with your hands in your pocket, don't look at me and definitely don't breath in my direction. Just get out of my way, out of my sight and definitely out of my life." I said as I turned around to leave. He once again held me by my arm and at the same place as he pushed me on the door blocking me with his two arms and huge body. He gave out a ragged breath as if he was angry at my words or something. You got to be kidding me.

"You can't possibly be mad at me for something that happened six years ago." He said breathing on my face. He smelled of highly expensive whiskey. "And you can't still love me after all those years." I whispered back at him.

"Says who? I've never stopped thinking about you. You are all I ever wanted." He said bringing his face really close to mine as if by doing that, I was going to change my mind. I gave him a smirk and I tried to push him away from me but his huge figure won't just move an inch.

"Get out of my face Louis. If you can't forget about me all those years, them equally expect the same from me. You can't just expect me to forget everything after all those years. It is just impossible. You tried to kill the one I love and you hurt me. You slapped me. You call that love?"

He takes a step forward, his chest rubbing against mine as he reached out for my face. I rolled my head to the other side so he couldn't touch me. A growl emits from his lunges and he held both my shoulders with his hands, "why don't you just let me kiss you? I said I love you. Why are you pushing me away? I want you and only you." He can't be serious. What he doesn't get it that I'm never going to love him.

"Go and find someone else Louis. I'm not the right person for you and I'm never going to love you even if you were the last guy on earth." That was it. He lost it. Just like the beast he is, he started to punch the glass door until his hands were bleeding. "No. I want you to love me. Only me. Kelvin is not coming back for you and he never will. He has moved on. Shine your eyes Gianna. This is reality. I'm the only one who loves you here. Kelvin has another girlfriend. He doesn't love you anymore." He sounded so defeated I almost felt pity for him. Almost. But seeing his angry face made me lost it. I wish I could shout in his face Kelvin never left me.

"You better love me or else I'm going to kill Kelvin. He is the reason you don't want to love me, right?You are still wearing his ring even though he has moved on." Before I knew it, he has pulled the ring out of my finger and threw it away. I was about to run after the ring when he held me by my shoulders again. "I'm going to kill Kelvin if you don't marry me now. I know you still love him and he will pay for the decision you will make right now. Your actions have its consequences."

Was that a threat. He should know I won't back down. We survived what he did and we were going to survive this too. I don't care if he threatens me. I'm never going to stop fighting. Never. I stared up at him. "Let me look for my ring. It is what I choose. Kelvin is what I choose. I choose a broken heart over you."

"No." He roared like an animal trapped in human body. He raised his hand upwards as if was he was about to hit me when Cassie caught him and pushed his hand away. "You've done enough Louis." He looked down at Cassie and almost pushed her when Frankie caught his hand this time and pushed it away. He pushed down on his chest and Louis jerked back. I've been trying to do this for minutes now. Men are always the stronger ones.

"Dude, you are a disgrace to the male race. You have no respect for women. She doesn't even love you, just accept that and leave." He almost punched Frankie in the face when Frankie did exactly that. It wasn't violence. It was self defence. Louis landed butt flat on the floor. "Stay away from them." Frankie shouted at him.

Lia rushed in with my ring and in Louis face, I wore it and shoved my hand in his face. "Doesn't it look pretty? I would rather choose a broken heart over you." The police came in minutes later and took Louis away. Finally. Winning felt so sweet. But I had a feeling that is never going to stop him.

Frankie took us home after that. They all consoled me and I felt better. Even though I was able to defeat Louis, I was equally scared he might try to hurt Kelvin. And I know he will try to. Poor Kelvin. He is in another trouble. Louis was so angry when the police took him.

Frankie assured me he was going to inform Kelvin so he could be prepared for him. After taking my bath, I went into my room and got dressed for bed. Cassie and Lia tugged me to bed and right after they were about to leave, Cassie spotted something on my window. It was a letter and I immediately smelled trouble.

Cassie reached for the letter and read it out,
"Gianna babe, know that your actions has consequences and you didn't choose the right path today. I escaped before I even went into the police station and know that I have my people everywhere. You will be blamed for your actions and most of all, the death of the one whom you choose over me. Happy seeing you suffer like I did and know that I'm coming right for you after getting rid of him. Love you💝💖."


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