Chapter 27

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The morning came and no calls from Kelvin. It was almost 10 in the morning. I couldn't go to school and I convinced Cassie and Lia that I was just having a headache. I knew they doubted that because I never missed school but they somehow managed to leave without me. Jane came earlier but I sent her to her hotel room and told her I needed nothing.

I was still sitting on the couch in the siting room when the idea came to me. Why don't I try calling Mr. Levi and Sawyer? They were with Kelvin. I phoned them but none of them answered their phones. What was going on? At a point I tried calling again but their phones were turned off. I immediately sank on my knees. This is not how I expected the last few weeks to my graduation to go.

Then suddenly Cassie and Lia barged in the living room blabbering about something that went on in school. I wasn't expecting them now. "Gianna, you had no idea what happened. Our lectures have gone to a meeting. So no classes today. It is so exciting. Good you didn't come with us. You could have wasted your time." Cassie said. I just looked up at them and whispered, "that's great." They looked at each others faced confused and then came to me.

"Gianna, what's wrong?" Cassie asked as both sat beside me on the floor. "Yeah sister. What's wrong?" Lia continued. A tear just fell down my cheek. They looked at each other again when Cassie tucked a hair behind my ear and wiped my tears with the back of her hand. "It's Kelvin." I simply said.

"What has brother done?" I looked at Lia's worried face and whispered, "he isn't answering my calls. He never does that so I'm just worried something might have happened to him." Lia took her phone and immediately dialled his brother's number. But he didn't answer as well.

"Maybe he is busy or something. You know how works can be sometimes. He will call eventually." She said. Cassie nodded her head and continued, "yeah Gianna. Maybe he is just busy or his phone is not with him. Don't worry about him. He will call." After so many tries, they managed to convince me. Maybe he is just busy. Or he is even planning on returning and wants to give me a surprise. Oh yeah! If that's the case, then I'm so waiting for him.

A smile tugged on my face. Crying is just a waste of tears. "Now just go to your room and rest. We will call you when lunch is ready." Cassie helped me up and I went into my bedroom. I needed to stop thinking.


I woke up feeling so refreshed and good. I am so hungry. Stepping out of my room, I walked slowly down the corridor and there was the sound of the television. At first, I thought Lia was watching cartoons as always but the moment I stepped into the living room, I heard Kelvin's name.

"We are at the great award giving ceremony to the most successful business man here in Dubai and we have Kelvin Spencer Wigglesworth here with us. He has won this year's award giving ceremony which is held every five years." Then the man turned to Kelvin; "Mr. Wigglesworth, with all due respect how do you feel being the winner of this year's award giving ceremony?" He asked. "I feel really great actually. I've been working very hard towards this goal and what can I say, my hard work really paid off. This is the first time the company is winning here in Dubai. And I'm so grateful. I also want to use this as a platform to thank my coworkers for working with me and supporting me. And thanks to my family for encouraging me as well." Kelvin, I'm so proud of you. Then the man turned to a girl behind Kelvin. "And as we can all see, there is a beautiful lady right behind you. Miss, can you step forward?" The woman stepped right beside Kelvin with a smile. Who is that? And to my horror, the lady linked me arm with Kelvin as if they were couples or something. The journalist smiled and said, "Mr. Kelvin Wigglesworth, may we know who she is?" He asked. And this is when it all came crushing on me. "This is Ms. Angelina Sanders. And she is my girlfriend." He said. What? His girlfriend? My eyes widened in shock and Lia gasped and tried to lower the volume of the TV so I won't be able to hear it in my room. "Wow. So you are no longer with Gianna Blake?" The journalist asked. Kelvin's face flashed with sadness but it was just fugacious. "No. She is something of the past." He said and the man nodded. What? I am something of the past?"Thanks for having you with us today and stay happy with your new girlfriend." With a nod, he left with the lady. "So this is where our conversation ends with Kelvin Wigglesworth. Thank you all for watching....."

Lia switched off the TV and Cassie stood beside Lia in great shock. "Don't tell her." Both said to each other in unison. "That Kelvin is with another girl? Don't worry. I heard him when he said it." Tears were flowing down my cheeks like how it was supposed to be. My lips tremble and my hands started to shake. My heart was aching as I clutched onto my chest and sank on the floor.

Why I'm I always the one suffering?
What have I done wrong?
Why does it always have to be like this?
Why I'm I always the one hurting?
Why does it hurt so badly?
Why does my heart ache?
Cassie and Lia run to me and wrapped their arms around me. But that couldn't console me and it never will. Why does Kelvin have to do this to me? This one, I heard him say it. I saw him as his lips moved with each word coming out of it.

"No!!!" I screamed, my voice cracking at the end. My heart was shattering into tiny pieces and I don't think anything could ever put them back together. I feel so helpless. My heart felt as if someone kept shoving tons of knives in it without thinking at all. The world should just open up and swallow me. I looked down at the ring on my hand. The ring that reminded me that he was always mine. What's the point when I keep wearing it? I'm just a thing of the past anyway and past memories are easily forgotten.

I brought up my hand to look at my ring. The diamond flashed on my face. I then tried to pull it off but I failed. Why does it just feel right there but Kelvin's words said otherwise? "Gianna, just leave it. You are hurting yourself." Cassie said. But nothing hurts more than Kelvin's words.

Why did he always make me feel special? Was that his way of breaking up with me without feeling guilty? "Sister, this is just not right. My brother can't do anything like that?" Lia said. Then was the media lying? No Gianna. You don't need to cry. Kelvin can't break up with you like that. He just can't. I tried to tell myself but no. Kelvin, you are hurting me.

"It hurts. It really hurts." I whispered. "I know. But I'm sure Kelvin has a reason. He is too in love with you to just break up with you through the media. He is too smart to act like that." Cassie said. I wish. Maybe he has his own reasons. But I'm just afraid it might not be true. What if he actually broke up with me? I just couldn't stop crying. Eventually I burst out loud crying like a baby. I just don't know what to do. My head starts to hurt and my throat burns like fire.

Then I felt a sting on my arm. "Shhhh! Just sleep." Cassie whispered as she removed the syringe. She just injected me. My eyes suddenly became heavy and I could feel my eyelids clashing down onto each other. I fell back as I felt an arm catching me right before my head hit the ground. Someone kept shushing me until I couldn't feel nor hear anything again.

And that was how I fell into a slumber.

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