Chapter 29

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The next couple of days were literally my worst. Kelvin never called to say anything to me and I'm even starting to believe he really left me for another girl. Lia kept encouraging me that his brother can't do anything like that. I always agree with her but deep down, I'm always in a dilemma. I mostly spent my nights crying over my broken heart because that was all I could do.

Mom often called me to console me and she equally believes Kelvin has his own reasons for doing that. Everyone believes that.

Right now, I'm in my room and as usual, I'm crying my heart out. Do you know what hurts the most? I'm not yet used to not talking to him before sleeping. So whenever I want to sleep, I hold my phone for a long time waiting for his calls which never came.

I was staring into nothing when I suddenly got a notification from an unknown number. Kelvin? It was even a voice note. I tabbed the screen and then it started. "Angelina I love you so much. I don't know what I could have done if I didn't meet you. You are all I could ever wish for. And don't worry, we are getting married before going to even meet my parents. I don't want them to convince me to be with Gianna. And I hope she moves on without me." That was where the voice recording ended and then the message came in, "surprise Gianna. Do you still believe your Kelvin is still in love with you?"

I burst out laughing. Yeah! You heard me right. I just laughed. I'm tired of crying. Too tired to cry. Cassie and Lia barged in within seconds and they saw me laughing with tears pouring down my face. I just handed over my phone to them and continued laughing. They looked at me and then played the recording. I didn't even know how I managed to walk out of my room, into the elevator and outside the hotel.

I walked down the street for a long time without even knowing where I was walking to. "Angelina I love you so much." That statement kept playing in my head like it was a song. Then suddenly, I stumbled over my own feet and fell to the ground. I couldn't stand up, I just sat there under the splattering rain. Then the tears were falling. I couldn't shout even though I wanted to. I couldn't make a sound. I spent my six years waiting for someone to return only to find out the person was deceiving me? Someone should tell me it was just a dream. That I would soon wake up.

But I believed it wasn't a dream when I heard the sound of thunder and then it started pouring. I'm sure Cassie and Lia are looking for me everywhere. I don't even know where I am and I don't even have my phone on me. My silk pyjamas couldn't keep the cold out. They were freezing just like how I was. Poor pyjamas.

I started to shiver. It was raining like never before. I couldn't see any movement except for the wind and rain. My body started shaking and I could feel my legs and hands getting numb. I closed my eyes and just hugged my legs on the near by bench alongside the street. I couldn't even breath well. My breathing was shallow and my heart was pounding in my chest. I was like a homeless, pitiful creature that wants someone to come console her.

It didn't take long enough before I felt someone's arms wrapped around me. I was carried and then placed in a car. Someone wrapped a big blanket around me and I opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of Cassie. And just like that, I blacked out.


I woke up to a beeping sound. My eyes were so heavy and my mouth felt as if it was stitched together. My throat was dry my muscles hurt. I couldn't move them. So I just laid there like a statue and what I could feel was the rising and falling of my chest. I tried to move my hands but nothing happened.

The room I was in was so bright and it took me seconds to realise I was in a hospital and lying in a hospital bed. Oh and it took me minutes to realise why I was here in the first place. I passed out. Then my memories came crushing down on me. Kelvin. Yeah Kelvin. He said he doesn't care about me. He said I should move on without him. It will take me forever to put that together. It will take me forever to move on. And he has already moved on without me?

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