Chapter 30

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Surprise!!! Here is another point of view of Kelvin. Hurray. You are happy right?? I know you will love it so just enjoy yourself. And please I want to thank all of you for giving my story a try. You don't have any idea how happy I am. Don't forget to continue reading, voting, sharing and following me.
So folks, enjoy!!!

Kelvin's p.o.v.

It has been two freaking weeks when all these nonsense started in the first place. Two weeks. I never stopped thinking about Gianna. She is all I'm worried about. I wish I could just tell her everything but I can't. We are very close to getting our hands on Louis. He is smarter that we thought he could be. He never found the tracker Angelina placed on him which is what we rely on for now. He doesn't know we know about his plan. He is very cautious of his every move and doesn't even leave a clue behind.

He once dressed as a lady to ask me some few questions about my work and I allowed him. My eyes never left him when he came into my office and he gave up and went home. His last words were, "you are smarter that I thought Mr. Kelvin Wigglesworth." I made sure I watched out for him and he listens to my every conversation with Angelina. So I always had to pretend I was so in love with her. Sometimes I just wonder if he would take advantage of these conventions and send them to Gianna. That would be a nightmare.

I sat in my office still thinking of everything when Levi came in that I had a visitor. He insisted I go to my conference room because that was the only place Louis never had access to. It was the most secured room in the building and we made him believe we only discussed business there. He isn't interested in bringing me down because he knows he can't. He is interested in killing or hurting someone close to me to get revenge and take Gianna.

And per what we've seen so far, he had no access to Gianna to harm her or anything. The only access he can have to her is through her social media account but so far we've not seen any weird comments or anything like that. And Gianna rarely comes online now. But sometimes I just think if he has ever sent her anything without our notice.

Anyway, someone was waiting for me in my conference room so I headed there. I used my finger print to unlock the door and entered. The person standing in front of the highly tinted glass window turned his back at me. I coughed to alert him and he immediately turned back. My eyes locked with the familiar pair of black eyes that I got used to ever since I was a kid. My buddy, my best friend and my cousin. Frankie. I was about to burst out of joy and rushed towards him to hug him but he just shoved me out of his way.

He looked raging mad and I knew why. I was even angrier at myself for doing what I'm doing. He stood right in front of me and said right into my face, "you are in for hug but I don't recognise growing with the person you've turned into. What is wrong with you Kelvin? Why would you do something like that? Do you know how much damage you've caused? Hur? Do you have any idea what the people close to you are going through?"

I sank into a chair. I know the damage I was causing. I know what others are going through because I'm also going through the same thing. "What are you doing Kelvin? You don't realise you are doing a mistake? You can't let Gianna slip away from you. She is the nicest girl you could ever get. She is everything a man could ever wish for. She gave you everything and even decided to wait six whole years of her life for you to come back for her and all you give her is a broken heart? She could have been married by now living her life in a way she wants but she insisted on waiting for you and you freaking gave her some days to spend in the hospital as her reward?"

What? What hospital? Frankie's gaze locks with mine and that's when I see it. The pain and anger, all staring back at me. A wave of sadness built up in me ready to crash any moment from now. Is she sick? "Wait. Did you just say hospital?" I asked. He closes his eyes as if he can't fathom looking at me, shook his head and whispered "Now you care?"

I shook his body and shouted, "Gianna is in the hospital?"  He blinked open and said, "Gianna is in the hospital because of you. I was in my house when Cassie called me that Gianna was missing after hearing you whispering words of love to your new girlfriend or should I say love of your life? It was a stormy night and we went in search of her and found her curled on a bench along side the road. She was so cold and was shivering. I had to carry her and send her to the hospital. She could have died if we hadn't found her earlier because that same night, there was an explosion caused by the storm in the exact area we found her. She has been in the hospital for the past few days and she is suffering from depression. Just yesterday she was choking on her own tears and couldn't breath well."

What? "Is she okay?" I asked holding Frankie's shirt with both hands. Every single word he uttered sliced through me like a knife. I'm responsible for Gianna. I could never forgive myself for this. Just see how she is suffering because of me? She almost died. I almost lost her. Oh God. Save me.

Frankie pushed my hands away and said, "she is okay now thankfully." He said and I sighed. Thank God she is at least okay now. I couldn't have beard it if something was to happen to her. But something indeed happened to her. She is lying on a hospital bed because of me. And she is depressed? I knew she couldn't stand the news. But depression? I pray she doesn't hurt herself or anything. I will punish myself for it.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I sank to the ground. My poor baby. She is devastated. "Kelvin, what happened to you?" Frankie asked sitting right on the ground in front of me. I looked up at him and he just couldn't take his eyes off me. He wanted an explanation and I know that. I closed my eyes and sobbed in my heart. I run my hand through my hair repeatedly because I didn't know what to do. Should I just report Louis to the Police and have him arrested? That won't also be possible because I don't have enough proof to land him all his life in prison. The photos of him from my CCTV camera won't be enough. He will get out eventually and come right for us again.

Somehow, I managed to narrate everything to Frankie and he pulled me into a hug and said, "I'm proud of you Kelvin." His hug was all I needed and it managed to console me. After some time, he said, "I have an idea. Say whatever you want to tell Gianna and I will have you recorded. I will play this for her ones I get back to Cambridge. Don't bother with the Louis explanation. I will tell her that but just remind her you still want her and only her."

You see why I love this guy? He always has genius plans in every situation. Just name it and he will do the trick. And what he has done for me now proves he is indeed my best friend. He managed to help me to the seat and then sat at the opposite of me. He said I should pour every love I have for her in it so she could feel and know I'm still there for her. Then after setting the camera, he sat at the very end of the table and placed AirPods in his ears so not to listen to me and not to make me feel nervous. He said it was between Gianna and I.

It took me minutes to finish recording and when I was done, I had puffy eyes. Frankie came over to me and hugged me like a devastated poppy whispering words of consolation to me. "Don't worry buddy. Everything will be okay." And that was how I felt a little relieved. Even though I knew Gianna hasn't yet heard what l've recorded for her, I know she will be just fine when she hears it and I trust Frankie on delivering it to her.

At last, something good has finally happened in the last two weeks of sorrow.

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