Chapter 31

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I was so happy Frankie is returning today and I feel really bad for him because of how Kelvin treated him. Kelvin literally sacked him out of his office and shouted at him to go back to where he came from. He said he didn't want to talk to him and he has nothing to do with him. The media never missed that and it was shown on TV. I'm starting to convince myself that Kelvin has moved on but I still believe Angelina has casted a spell on him or something. She kept touching him when he was shouting on Frankie to go away and I was so mad. She should at least have some shame for snatching my fiancé from me. But touching him in public?

Cassie was angry she literally shouted at Kelvin from the screen of the TV for shouting on her boyfriend and for sending him away just because he was trying to confront him. And I was sad because this was all the proof I needed that there was no hope for me. Kelvin has moved on with his new life and he was living it to the fullest. But I managed to make myself believe again that things might change. Maybe I should just wait for Frankie to come back and confirm to me. That way if I have to give up hoping he might come back for me, hoping he might still love me, then I would.

I laid back on the couch and kept looking at the ceiling. My God, I kept seeing him. My mind just kept playing memories of him and I was all confused. My eyes suddenly became blurry and I burst out crying. I can't do this. I can't get him out of my head. How did he manage to get me out of his head but I can't seem to get him out of mine?

Suddenly, I felt a hand hold me. I looked down to see Lia looking all sorry as if she did something. "I'm sorry sister." She said. She doesn't have to be sorry. She can't be responsible for her brother's action. I can't blame her for anything. "Don't be Lia." I said. She only looked at me as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I've lost my brother." She said. I know. No one recognises that Kelvin anymore.

Cassie did everything to cheer me up and even bought me a dress I've always wanted online. She kept telling me jokes and I would admit, even though she wasn't good at it, she at least kept my mind off things a little and it really cheered me up. But when she was tired, it didn't take me long to remember Kelvin. His picture was my wallpaper. So whenever I got a message or anything, I see his handsome smiling face.

Cassie asked me to join her make dinner. She said she wanted pasta and we had to make extra for Frankie as well. Lia ordered cake for dessert and joined us at the kitchen. When we finally heard the doorbell ring, we all thought it was the delivery guy and Lia went for the cake. It didn't take long before we heard her scream out of joy. We both rushed to her and, yeah, Frankie was back.

As expected, Cassie run into his arms and kept saying how much she missed him. After that, Frankie matched towards me and hugged me. It was the first time he came so close to me that he even hugged me. Then after he pulled away, he stared into my eyes. I knew that look. He was sorry for me. I get it already.

Then he dragged me to the couch and sank me on it. He placed his hands in his pocket and brought out his phone. "You need to see this." He said practically shoving the phone in my hand as if it was some kind of medal or something. I looked up at him and he smiled and nodded. Then I looked on the screen and saw Kelvin's picture and then the play button.

With shaky hands, I pressed the play button and it started.
"Love, it's me Kelvin. Frankie will explain why all this is happening. But don't worry, this is all an act. I'm sorry for making you pass through all this. When Frankie told me you were admitted at the hospital, I almost lost it. I hope you are okay now. I could have never forgiven myself if anything bad was to happen to you. But babe, I just want you to bear this in mind. I will never leave you for someone else. Things may get complicated in the next few day to come but trust me once this is all over, I'm coming right for you love. When you are having rough days and don't know what to do, read through our messages and remember the best moments we spent together. Think about how we planned our future together. Our wedding, our kids, how I will wake up with you everyday beside me and the happy life we dreamed of. I promise you when I get back, by God's grace as you always say it, I will make sure we fulfil all these together. We don't know what the future holds but just know that I love you and even if the world changes and goes against us, I will be there for you. I know angels are real because either you are one of them or one guided me straight to you. I just want you to know, never give up on me and never lose your trust in me. If you are listening to this, i want you to know you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and there is no way I could ever love you any less. I love you and I will and forever say it. I LOVE YOU!!"

He was crying and so was I. His dark hair falls into his face as he kept wiping off tears. He sounds as defeated as I felt. All these is happening on purpose? Kelvin never left me. My God. This is real. I felt as if a weight was lifted off of me. I was so full of happiness I didn't know if I should scream or cry. There is no way possible for me to explain how important he is to me. I looked at Cassie with my teary eyes and she was crying right beside me. Lia was worst. She was crying even more that me. I looked up at Frankie and he couldn't hide his grin.

Charging forward, I wrapped my arms around his neck, reaching up on my tiptoes. Thanks to him, I know Kelvin hadn't left me. He was the best. "Thank you." I said to him. After I pulled away, I handed him his phone. "Everything was just an act Gianna. Kelvin didn't leave you. He just had to pretend he actually did." Why? Frankie explained everything to me and I would admit, it was the best day of my life.

I felt all relieved and happy. My tears were just waste of tears. But who wouldn't have done the same? It all looked real and even when he sacked Frankie from his office, it looked so real. How did he get so good at acting? And Louis was back? He sent me the voice recording. What is his problem? He got punished for what he did and he is now angry at Kelvin? And he still hasn't gotten over his crush on me? Even if Kelvin left me, I would never go for someone like him. I can never go for someone who hurts others to get what they want. But who cares? Kelvin is still mine and very soon, he will come back for me.

At last, a genuine smile tagged on my face and I didn't seem to stop smiling. "I am so hungry." I said and Cassie and Lia hugged me. After dinner was served, we all sat around the table and ate. I couldn't stop talking. It's been so long since I've talked with this kind of happiness. The easiest thing for me to do now is push everything away and just think for the better.

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