Chapter 2

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The light of the shinning sun reflected on my face as I opened my eyes slowly. I checked the time on my phone and OMG! I'm late. Lilly was still sleeping peacefully right beside me and all I could do was smile at her and gave a kiss on the forehead. I hurriedly stood and stepped into the shower. By the time I  got out, she was gone. She probably went to take a shower too.

I was ready for school within 20 minutes. I wore one of my favorite dresses because I had the feeling something good was gonna happen. I don't know how but I just knew. I took my bag and descended the stairs. Mom was at the kitchen as always. Preparing breakfast for us.


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"Good morning Mum.Good morning Lilly. Good morning Stacie." I greeted."Good morning sweetheart. Good morning sister." They relied." Sweety have some breakfast before leaving" Mum added smiling at me. "Mum I'm late for school. Will have breakfast with Cassie when I get to school. I promise."

Mum cares about my eating habit so much. I usually skip meal and get malnutrition all the time. I don't really like food but it is something I'm working on. "Skipping meal is not the right thing to do. Make sure you take your breakfast as promised,okay?" Mum said giving me a hug. Waving Lilly and Stacie, I set off to school.

Immediately I stepped out of the cab, I spotted Cassie who was waiting patiently for me. She came earlier than her usual time and I'm pretty sure she waited for a long time. I rushed to her and gave her a hug. "Hey girl. You look so good over the weekend." She said smiling at me. I miss that smile." So have you. Before I forget, tell me the news you wanted to tell me." I was on all ears to listen. I didn't possibly wait for a whole night to listen to nothing.

"Do you know what?" I was so eager to hear her out. "Don't worry I have nothing to say. I wanted to play a prank on you, that's all." she said as she burst out laughing so hard. Wait what? I actually waited all night for nothing?

"That was not funny" I said. "Come on girl that was funny." She said still laughing. Oh boy! Cassie is just impossible sometimes. I narrowed my eyes at her and all she could do was laugh harder. "You could have seen your face."

"Hey, but have you heard? A hot new guy just got transferred to our school." She said. "Really? Have you met him?" I asked. "Not in particular but I heard he is very hot and he takes every girl's breath away."

"I'm not falling for him. It's a NO for me." I said. Most boys in my school are players. Especially the captain of the football team. And I don't really like any boy to be precise. "Are you sure? He is very handsome and takes girl's breath away." She said again slowly this time and all I did was stare at her. Then she raised her hands in defeat. "You just don't fall for guys. The guy that will some day sweep you off your feet will get a car from me."

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