Chapter 22

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Kelvin is just so unbelievable. He wants me to move. I looked at him for a while and shook my head. "I can't move." He run his hands through his hair and then took a sip of water. He stares at me as if he was about to loose his mind.

"Gianna, don't be stubborn and do as I say. I know what I'm doing. You were so irresponsible and you know that yourself. I could have lost you Gianna. I could have lost you if Ray wasn't there to save you. They could have done worst things to you and you could have regretted later."

I just looked at him. I had nothing to say. What he actually said made sense but as stubborn as I am, I still don't want to move. It's just that he was going to spend a lot on me and this will make me feel I'm spending too much of his money and he is pampering me too much. And after all, I can't stay in a huge penthouse all by myself. I'm going to die from loneliness.

Ray came to me and tab me. I was lost in my thoughts and I forgot I was even talking to Kelvin. I looked up at Ray and he shook his head in disbelief. "Were you sleeping or what?" He asked and then smiled at me. "Kelvin, your fiancee is dozing off. Are you sure you don't wanna let her sleep?" He said and burst out laughing. That wasn't even funny to me but he found it funny. That was how jovial he is.

"Haha Ray. Very funny. Please take Gianna to 'The Paradise' hotel. It is reserved for her. Just mention her name and they will take her to the penthouse. It belongs to the Mon- Dragons. Take care of her luggages." Kelvin said.

"What? You can't do that Kelvin. I'm not moving. I can't stay alone in the penthouse." Kelvin is just impossible. Why was he so bossy now? I hate it when I'm being bossed around like a toy. Kelvin knows that quiet well.

"Gianna, I know you don't like the fact that I decide where you reside but we are talking about your safety here. Safety comes first and you know that very well. So be a good girl and just do as I tell you. I know you trust me so just do it." This is getting frustrating and annoying.

I know safety comes first but should I die of loneliness? "I trust you but no. I am not moving. Ray is here to protect me." I said. "Ray, kindly take Gianna to the hotel." Ray came to me and asked kindly, "Gianna, let's go." I looked up at him and almost sacked him out of my room but on second thoughts, he saved me today.

I pushed myself down on my bed and then placed the phone on the nightstand. Looking at Ray, I used my duvet to cover myself. Ray stood there in wonder and I just closed my eyes. Waiting for some seconds to see what they were going to do, I half opened my eyes to see Ray staring at me with his arms wrapped around his chest.

My mouth twisted as I was trying to hold in a laugh but it was only for some few seconds when it all started crushing down on me. Ray started wrapping me in my duvet. It was so tight that I barely even had the chance to move my hand. "Ray, what are you doing?" I asked annoyed.

"As you can see, I'm going to sell you." He said and carried me on his shoulder. Taking my phone from the nightstand, he told Kelvin, "she is on my shoulder. I'm sending her." I started kicking my legs in the sky but it wasn't even really working as I was tied to hard in my duvet. He descended the stairs and was about to reach for the door when it ripped open.

"Where are you sending my roommate?" I actually smelled liquor. Then I heard a male voice, "Babe leave them and let's go have some fun."
"You are right dear. We should just have our fun." Looking sideways, I saw Gwen with a guy walking towards the couch. She started to take off her clothes and the guy was doing the same.

I looked at them for a while and felt disgusted. The guy she was with glared at me and said, "what are you guys waiting for? Kindly go out and give us our privacy." With that, the guy bent over on her.

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