Chapter 40

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I slightly ajar the bathroom door as I slowly pulled myself into my room. I don't even know why this is supposed to hurt so badly today. It didn't choose any other day than when I was preparing for my marriage. Only God knew how I managed to survive in the shower. I pulled on the dress Cassie laid down for me on my bed. She looked at me with pity as she gestured for me to sit on the bed. I get it already. My situation was so pitiful. Now I can't even go out with Kelvin in this condition.

Cassie rubbed her hands up and down my arm in a comforting way. It didn't take long when a knock sounded at the door. Kelvin's voice was heard seconds later. "Can I come in?" He asked. Cassie walked towards the door and pulled it open as she walked out herself. When his eyes landed on me, he rushed over and gave me a hug. "Sorry." He whispered. I don't know how but his hug was comforting. He was so warm and smelled devine and he kept stroking my hair. He showed he cared.

When he pulled away, he excused himself and told me to wait for him. Seconds later, he came in with a a tray. Kelvin sat beside me and handed me a cup. "I searched it online and I read ginger tea helps so I made some myself just for you. Drink up please." He said looking at me to drink up. You see why I love him? No comment right?

Pain seers through my abdomen pulling me out of my admiration. Kelvin took the cup from me and stirred it with a spoon. He took a spoonful, blew on it and brought it to my mouth nodding his head for me to open up. I slowly sipped on it. It doesn't taste bad at all. Little by little, I managed to finish the cup.

I grabbed and curled myself on the bed as I clinched my stomach. Kelvin sat on a chair close by and he kept rubbed my back in a comforting way giving me his adorable smile just to assure me everything will be fine. His smile was one in a million. After a painful ten minute, the pain seems to fade and was replaced with a dull ache. Finally. I breath in then out as I felt myself drifting away to dream land.

I closed my eyes to sleep feeling loved as Kelvin watched over me. Some time later, I felt him fixing my blanket and gently caressing my cheek as he left. He was so sweet and I could feel my heart flattering with joy that I am going to get married to a caring guy like him. He gives out the love a mother gives for her kids. Moments later, I heard the door slightly closed behind me. I tugged myself deep into the bed and slept.

When I woke up, I crept into the kitchen. I was so hungry. The pain has drastically reduced thanks to the ginger tea. I knew ginger tea helps but let me tell you a secret. I feel lazy to do it. When Mom gives it to me, I drink it but I just don't love to do it myself. I view it a hard work. Funny right.

I peered into the kitchen and smiled when I saw Kelvin dancing while cooking. It was the first time I saw him dancing and the first time he was actually cooking. I wasn't a better dancer but I'll admit, his dance moves were very funny. He whirled around, shook his waist, tapped his feet and nodded his head. He was enjoying it as if he was doing something very nice to the extent that, he will blow viewers mind.

He peered on his phone then stirred whatever he was preparing and there was a ding sound at the oven place. He gently opened the oven and brought out a steak. I rested my back on the kitchen wall, crossed my arms over my chest and kept smiling at him. Kelvin brought his face towards the steak and inhaled the aroma. He raised his hands into the air as if he had won a cooking contest and kissed his fingers. I'll admit, it smelled really great. Kelvin took out a fork, took some of the steak and chewed on it. That was when he whirled around in happiness and spotted me.

I giggled at his cute reaction and walked over to him. When I was only half way towards his, he came closer, held my wrist and pulled me closer. "How are you feeling now?" He kept smiling at me. I knew why he was. He couldn't wait to tell me he had prepared something all by himself. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Look, I made something for you. I figured out we couldn't go out on the date so I brought the date here." He still kept smiling lovingly at me. I nodded and said, "I can see that. Thank you." He pulled me closer and hugged me. "It's my duty. Go sit on the chair and look pretty. I'll bring the food." But I insisted on helping serve the food.

Kelvin only pulled me by the hand, pulled out a chair, forcefully pushed me down on it and glared at me. "Stay here. I'll serve you. Get used to it because this is how I'm going to treat as my wife." With that he turned around and went straight to his cooked meal. It took him just two minutes to serve the food. He was really good at it even though this was the first meal he cooked. He decorated it so well with veggies and sat opposite me when he brought water.

"Enjoy." He proudly said, looking up at me to taste it. I took some and chewed on it. Kelvin kept staring at me waiting for my comment on his food. It was really good. As soon as I swallow it, he bombarded me with questions; "How is it? Is it good? Do you like it? Please tell me you like it because I would love to give you more. Why is there not any expression on your face? Don't you like it?"

OMG Kelvin. I took a sip of my water. He still had that questionable look on his cute face. "This is the best meal I've even had in ages. How did you do that?" His face lit up and he stood and did a happy dance. "I knew you would love it. Don't worry, I'll prepare this often for you. Finish up your food first." He said as he took my plate, cut the beef into smaller pieces to make it easier to eat and then handed it to me. My job was to just pick and eat. Kelvin was good at pampering me.

He kept smiling at me anytime I take a bite and kept adding slices of his to mine. He claims I am sick so I should eat as many as I can and I was enjoying it. When we finished, he poured me my favourite white wine and played the role of a waiter. It was so adorable. If he continues like this, I am never going to get tired of him.

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