Chapter 24

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My eyes felt as if there are dinosaurs sitting on them. They are impossibly heavy and I used the strength I had to open them. 'Ding, dong' my bell rung again. It took me a moment to take in my surroundings. Oh,my new home.

I lazily slipped off my bed. Finding my phone on the nightstand, I checked the time. It was already 3am. Sunday. I love Sundays. My doorbell rung again. Oh I almost forgot. I double clapped my hand and the chandelier light up. Wow, I can get used to this. I stepped down the sitting room and in front of the door.

I opened the door hoping it could be something good. I looked at the person. The person was wearing a black jumpsuit and has covered the face with mask. What is this? Is it a thief? How did he get in here without the security knowing. I wanted to slam the door in the face of the person but the person pulled me from the room to the corridor.

I'm so doomed. I looked left then right. The CCTV was recording everything. How come no one is here to help me. I was panicking that my throat felt as if I swallowed cotton. I was about to make it to the emergency exit when the person burst out laughing.

What? Then the person removed the mask. "Cassie?" I whispered moving towards her and taking a good look at her. "Hey bestie. Is this the right way to welcome your bestfriend?" I sighed. She really scared me. But hey, my bestfriend is here. I don't know how she got here but she is here.

"Cassie." I shouted as I embraced her. "Oh girl, I've missed you. How are you?" I didn't reply. I just kept hugging her. Ushering her into the room, I barely got my hands off her. She sat on the couch and watched the bell boy as he unpacked all her luggages in the hotel cart into the room.

After the guy excused himself,she turned to me, held my hands and hugged me again. Oh Cassie, my bestfriend. She is one in a million. Pulling herself from me, she smiled. That adorable smile.

She came here as if she knew I was here. Wait! How did she know I was here? Only Kelvin, Ray and probably Mom knew. "But how did you know I was here?" I asked. She just smiled as me as if what she was about to tell me would make me jump out of my seat. Probably out of excitement, I guess.

Then she finally opened her mouth to talk. "Guess what? I pleaded with Mom and she allowed me to attend Harvard with you. She asked me to always stay by your side so we could protect each other. And Kelvin called me right in time to ask me to stay with you. He called as if he knew I was going to attend Harvard and Mom was finding difficulty in booking a house for me." She said.

One thing about Kelvin is he always finds solutions to my problems. He managed to deal with the fact that I will be lonely when I come here. And I was just thinking he didn't actually care about my protest to still stay with Gwen. He was thinking of what to do all along when he made his decision.
And he found solution to two problems less than 12 hours.

I just smiled at her. Actually I wanted to cry out of happiness. Kelvin was like a perfect guy despite the fact that he is imperfect. I'm sure he isn't even asleep yet. He is still able to protect me, care for me and love me even when he was miles away. Even long distance couldn't stop him from fulfilling the promises he made to always protect me. He is getting more responsible as the days blink away. He is really trying.

In actual fact, I tried to find flaws with Kelvin so I could know how to deal with it but I've not found any. Not even a little bit. Except for one thinny tiny problem I asked him to stop. He beats whoever messes with the people he loves. He doesn't extend it to any of us though but come on, who uses violence to stop someone from hurting the people he or she loves.

You don't use violence when there is already violence. You just use words to handle the person and when there is the need for self defense, then you can defend yourself. Kind words to retaliate seems to work better and to dissolve issues since the culprit will be expecting you to worsen the case so as to find new reasons to carry out his or her plan.

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