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Gianna's p.o.v

I flutter my eyes open and looked around the room. A little yawn leaves my mouth as I moved my hands up and down my big belly. Yeah, you heard me right. My big belly. I'm so excited to announce to you all that I'm 35 weeks pregnant. We've been married for two years and I'm expecting my fist babies. Yes, you heard me right on that one too. My babies. They are twins. Both girls.

I always wanted girls and God has blessed me with two. I looked at my right to see my husband's sleeping figure. I disturbed him a lot last night. He had to get me chocolate ice cream with chips right in the middle of the night. Pregnancy cravings. I don't really like chocolate but Kelvin's daughters does. I've been eating it a lot lately.

I pushed myself closer to Kelvin. I only wanted his body to touch mine. It comforts me. I didn't want to wake Kelvin up as well. He had already done enough and he had to enjoy his sleep. It was still too early. My husband's hair had fallen on his face making him look so innocent and cute. Waking up to this view is always amazing. Having him lying so care free made him look so drop dead gorgeous.

I pushed myself to him a little and let out a deep breath. Why was moving so difficult today? My movement made Kelvin snap his eyes up at me. Oh no. "Honey?" He said looking at me as if I was about to go in labour.

"I'm fine. I didn't mean to wake you up. I only wanted to get close to you." I whispered to his hearing. He brushed my hair to the side and cups my cheek, then lean in and kissed me on the forehead. "You could have woken me up you know." He said kissing me on my head again. I shook my head in disapproval. "You are tired."

"I am but not as tired as you, the one carrying two big girls." I barely do anything in the house but Kelvin always says I'm tired. I smiled and shook my head. He pressed his two hands on my belly and said "you are doing good by taking good care of our babies." And actually, I felt the babies kick. I froze immediately. This was not the first time they've kicked but I was surprised they've kicked right after their father has praised me. It was as if they understood what he said.

"Honey bear, did you feel that?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows in question. "The babies just kicked." Kelvin's eyes widened. He stood immediately and removed the duvet from me. Then placed his hand on my stomach and was observing it. They kicked again and again. Oh my God. They've never kicked this many times. They were usually calm. "Honey, my little princesses are kicking. They knew their father was speaking."

My stomach moved countless times and Kelvin was over the moon. He kissed my belly several times. He kissed right side of it and then left side of it claiming he was kissing his babies. I just laid smiling at his reaction. I knew he was going to be the best father to them and definitely spoil them rotten. But not too rotten on my watch. It was going to be moderate.

"Come here." He said, moving close to me and putting my head on his shoulder. He was so warm and that was all I needed. Covering me with the duvet, he continuously rubbed my hair. He literally treats me like his queen and that is what every woman deserves.

My eyes were blurry to the extent I couldn't even see anything. Kelvin held my hand whispering words of consolation to me. He was at work when my water broke and I was sent to the hospital. Kelvin was even there before I arrived. He wanted me to go through a caesarian section but I decided to give birth myself. And now, I wished I'd gone through the caesarian section. This was so dreadful painful.

"Push harder. The first one is almost here." They said to me. I pressed my tooth together hard enough my jaw was even hurting and I heard my first baby's cry. It wasn't long before I managed to get the second out. The midwife placed them on my chest. They were so small and so cute. I instantly bonded with them. My little princesses.

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