Chapter 34

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Kelvin's p.o.v.

My fiancé's graduation is in two days. Only two days. The few three days were peaceful. No sign of Louis anywhere and I felt better. But what I didn't know was that he flew to Cambridge where Gianna was. I didn't understand. He bought a ticket to India so we thought he was going there but ended up in the same restaurant Frankie sent Gianna.

Frankie investigated last night and found out he bought a ticket to Cambridge under a fake passport and ID. Turned out that was not the first time. He had collections of stolen passport in every city and does bad things using those passports and IDs. This guy is very clever.

And worst he threatened my baby. I was so furious I wanted to see him in person and give him some nice hits. I called Levi in. We need to lodge a complaint to the police. We had the proofs we needed to send him straight to jail. When Levi walked into my office he looked uneasy and I knew for sure something bad had happened. "Spit it out buddy." He stretched his long hands and gave me an opened box.

In it was a picture of Angelina, tied on a very uncomfortable chair in the middle of an old abandoned room. And she was in her pyjamas. The room was dusty and wild rats we crawling all over her body. They've chewed half her dress already. She looked horrified. At the back of her stood Louis in a black mask but I could see his evil grin.

No one needed to tell me it was him. This was the second time this was happening. At first it was Gianna. Louis photoshopped a picture of her in an abandoned place and she was in the same state as Angelina but turned out he wanted to kill me and Gianna wasn't there. And now this? It must be a lie.

"It has to be a lie." I said to Levi who slightly shook his head and handed me an iPad from the box. "I though so too until I saw this." He said. In the video was Angelina. Right after she left my office last night into her house, Louis followed her. He waited until she was ready for bed when he and his five bodyguards barged into her room and handcuffed her. She tried to fight back at them but they were to strong for her. They kicked her so hard in her stomach that she cried and landed on the floor. They chloroformed her and took her away.

Levi then showed me the same video on his phone saying it was from Angelina's CCTV camera. That means it is true. Every single thing in the video is true. Angelina is kidnapped. This must not be happening. That was not even all. There was a finger print of Angelina at the back of the paper and her signature. This was well planned.

Finally, Levi showed me the last video. It was Louis talking this time. "You have all the proof you need that your girlfriend is with me?" Then in the video, he showed me Angelina again. Her mouth was tied this time and she was literally begging me with her eyes to come save her. Her cheeks were wet out of her tears and he face was red. Louis pulled closer to her and dipped his head in her hair smelling it like some sort of psychopath. What is wrong with this guy?

Then he continued, "your girlfriend put on a fight when we took her but she couldn't out-stand us. I must say, you've gotten a very talented girlfriend. Well, you better be here before sunset today. Try to say goodbye to everyone because it will be your last day on earth. Don't bother to bring anyone. Even if you do, you won't go alive." And just like that, he leaned into her and kissed her face, looking at me with his annoying grin. He sure planed this really well. Why does he hate me so much?

I wasn't jealous, I was just so mad an innocent girl was going through all this because of me. We didn't plan his attack like this. Angelina was not even feeling so well yesterday when I sent her home. And now she is suffering because of me. I knew she was strong but they must have frightened her so much. "We need to go and save her." Levi said looking all red. I get it. That is his girlfriend. They started dating since last two weeks. He can't afford to lose his new lover.

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